
lacu/tv - Students With the conversion of Portland State to a four-year college. there have been established four major academic divisions. each headed by a separate chairman; each Course which the college is to offer winfall into one of these four categories. Chairman of the Division of Education is Dr. Willard B.Spalding. Included in his division are. Elementary and Secondary Education and education-training in the fields of Art. Health. Music. and Physical Education. The Division of Humanities has as its chairman Dr. Hoyt C. Franchere. This division includes Art. Drama. English. Foreign Languages. Journalism. Music. Philosophy. and Speech. Dr. Will V. Norris heads the Division of Science and Mathematics. and in this catagory are Chemistry. Engineering. General Science, Geology, Home Economics. Mathematics. Physics. Pre-Agriculture. Pre-Forestry, Pre-Medicine. and Zoology. Dr. George Hoffmann serves as Chairman of the Division of Social Science. This Division includes Anthropology. Business Administration. Business and Technology. Economics. General Social Science. Geography. History. Police Training. Political Science. Pre-Law. Psychology. Secretarial Science. and Sociology. 112