:. ' STEPHEN E. EPLER Direc/or, Day Program Portland State is now a college in fact as well as in name. The 1955 Oregon Legislature has made our alma mater a degree-granting college. Thi~is the result of years of work on the part of students, alumni, parents and others. Vanport students in 1946 in a temporary college in a war housing project looked into the future and saw a vision of a great college not to be destroyed by a disastrous Hood or human opposition. Other Vanport students who attended classes in a shipyard in 1948 to 1952 kept the vision alive and selected Portland State College as the name. You, the Portland State students of 1955, have had an important part in making a State degree-granting college in Portland a reality. Your efforts inside and outside the classroom in athletics, clubs. dramatics, music. publications, speech, student government and other activities are aiding in bUilding an urban university. You are part of a new development in public education in America. Sometime in the future, perhaps by 1975. you will see a greater Portland State College serving many times the students with a greater variety of courses and programs. There will be courses. undreamed of today. to meet the needs of your children in the wonderful new world of the future. Most of the 18 to 21 year olds in 1975 in America will go on to a comprehensive American college as the 14 to 17 year olds of 1955 go to a public high school. The state of Oregon and the nation will have many public colleges similar to your Portland State College of the future. These new colleges, located in the population centers in Oregon and the other states, will make it possible, as Portland State is doing, for students to live at home. work part time and attend college. Portland State will be a leader among the colleges of the future if you and those who follow you here serve your fellow men with distinction. Greatness in a college is measured by the quality of the product. If you go on to responsible positions and worthy accomplishments you will add respect to the name of Portland State College. Your future and the future of Portland State are bound together. Our wish is that you will serve with honor your alma mater. your community and America. 103