
J. F. CRAMER Dean the state legislature in providing. by overwhelming majorities. for an independent Portland State College crowns years of development and effort. For all of these things we can be proud. happy. and grateful. As we look to the future we can see many problems of space and staff and program. These are the growing pains of a developing institution. The solution of these problems will require the continued cooperation of students and faculty. But they will be solved. and a greater and finer college will result. The service of the college to the Portland area and to the state will continue to increase. As the people of Oregon. who support the college. look at our work in coming years they will judge Portland State by the quality of its graduates; by the attitudes of its students. It is in constantly raising standards of educational achievement that we can hope to find justification for better facilities and increased support. I congratulate students and faculty for the part you hav~.: played in our achievements in the past, General Extension Division In its nine years of history Portland State has never enjoyed as profitable and as exciting a period as the year just closed. The increase in enrollment and the upsurge of public support has been very gratifying. The action of and for the opportunities of wider service in the future. 102