1011 ~erlll Student eouncil Sealed from left 10 righl are Gerald Bray. Ireasurer: Ron Denfeld. president; and Helen Blaser. secrelary. Standing are Dave Belch. senalor: Isabel Filippini. ICC representative: Bill Brel;e. senalor: and Herb Perkins. senator. Those senators not presenl included Tom Griffin. Dorian Ross. lind Elinor Todd. Spring ~erlll Student eouncil Scaled from left 10 right are Gerald Bray. Ireasurer: Ron Denfcld. president : and Helen Blaser. secretary. Sianding are Bob Cunningham. senator: Gary Salyers: senalor: Isabel Fili·ppini. senator: Jim Long. senator: Dick Sly. senator: and Roger Jliynr. senator. D ean Neal. ICC representalive was not present when the picture was Ink~n. 93