Mothers l Club The Mothers' club is a service club composed of mothers of Vanport stu dents. Its purpose is to promote the stu dents of Vanport and the school itself. One of its chief activities has been to maintain scholarship and student loan funds. It is now supporting the drive to make Portland State a four-year college. Under the leadership of Mrs. C. A. White during the past year, the club, to gether with the faculty women, spon sored a rummage sale winter term. The club also holds its annual scholarship banquet in May. (Photo courtesy of The Portland Journal) Mrs. C. A. White, president of the Mothers club, Mrs. G. C. Hoffman and Mrs. P. H. Putnam of the Faculty Women's club examine items offered for sale at their com bined rummage sale. Proceeds from the sale were divided between the two clubs. Ably assisted by Jeri Putnam, Mrs. Howard Backlund and Mrs. Phil Putnam of the Faculty Women's Club sort rummage for the sale sponsored jointly with the Mothers Club. Faculty Womens l Club The Faculty Women's club is a social and service club composed of the women faculty members and wives of faculty members. Their chief activities have been to hold faculty socials, sell home made pies in the cafeteria, sponsor a fashion tea , and to sponsor, with the Mothers club, arummage sale. Part of the proceeds gained through these vari ous activities have gone toward buying a set of dishes to be used at college social affairs.
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