
c H o The Men's Chorus (top) and the Mixed Chorus (bottom) at the concert on FebruR ary 24 at the Old Lincoln auditorium. Both the Men's and the Mixed Chorus have made numerous public appearances and have participated in radio broadcasts.. u Dan Andriesian, Dora Bagley, Carolyn Beveridge, Ann Bogard, Ellen Brande, Franklin Butte, Marvilene Carlisle, Elmer Cassidy, Marian Dietlein, Don Em­ s berlin, Donna Gabriel, Keith Garwood, Ronald Holbrook, Pierre Jones, August Kargel, Gibson Kingsbury, Gerald Koskela, Edward Kraus, Eddie Lee, Don Lin­ dermann, Victor Maling, Bruce Mitchell, Delores Newell, Jean Olson, Bonnie Polley, Don Richardson, CordeUe Rugroden, Jack Schnoor, Connie Smith, Gordon Smith, Sallye Swafford, Rodney Stites, Elmer Swankey, Ralph Swarens, Clara Sweet, Bob Winters.