6 Upcoming RAPS events SEPTEMBER 8FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Guided tour of the exhibit “A Question of Hu: The Narrative Art of Hung Liu” at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Maseeh Hall. 8WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Hiking Group: Wildwood Area, Boulder Ridge (Mt. Hood) Contact: Tom Dieterich/Cilla Murray, tgdieterich@earthlink.net OCTOBER 8WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 Hiking Group: Steigerwald. Contact: Tom Dieterich/Cilla Murray, tgdieterich@earthlink.net 8THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19 Presentation by Tom Potiowsky, professor emeritus of economics: “‘The Recession is Coming! The Recession is Coming!’ Or Is It ‘Waiting for the Godot Recession’? What’s a Forecaster To Do?” NOVEMBER 8WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Hiking Group: Newall Creek Canyon (Oregon City). Contact: Tom Dieterich/Cilla Murray, tgdieterich@earthlink.net 8THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16 (date subject to change) Presentation by Ann Cudd, Portland State’s new president. DECEMBER 8THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 Annual Holiday Brunch, held at Augustana Lutheran Church. In memoriam: Nelson B. Crick, 1938-2023 In 1982 Professor Crick received a Juris Doctor from the Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College. He developed a private practice serving attorneys in the Pacific Northwest, providing expert witness testimony and consulting in the field of economics. Upon his retirement, he was promoted to professor emeritus. Professor Crick’s outside interests included reading crime novels, the classics, and politics. He enjoyed classical music and jazz, and he and Linda often attended concerts at the Oregon Symphony. He was also a passionate fan of the Pittsburgh Pirates and Denver Broncos. He is survived by his wife, Linda; sisters Katherine and Margaret; brother, William; brother-in-law Kurt Busch; sisters-in-law Lesley Pedersen Keeley, Ceseley Pedersen Kathrens, and Catherine Streeter Crick; and several nieces and nephews, as well as his colleague and friend of many years, Professor Giles Burgess, of Portland State. Remembrances may be made to the Oregon Food Bank, Salvation Army, or the Oregon Symphony. A guest book is available at www.oregonlive.com/obits. NELSON B. CRICK, who served Portland State as a professor of economics for more than 30 years, died June 25 in Portland. He was 85 years old. Professor Crick was born in Pittsburgh on March 9, 1938, to Carleton and Mildred Crick. He graduated in 1956 from East High School in Denver, and after graduation served in the Colorado National Guard and in the Army. Professor Crick received a bachelor’s degree in 1960, a master’s in 1962, and a Ph.D. in economics in 1967 from the University of Colorado. He taught at the Colorado School of Mines in 1963-64 before joining The American University in Cairo as an assistant professor of economics in 1964. His time in Cairo ended abruptly when the 1967 Arab-Israeli War broke out on June 5. He joined the Portland State Department of Economics in 1967. During his 30 years of service, Professor Crick served as department chair and as a faculty participant for the Middle East Studies Center. He also met Linda Pedersen at PSU. They married on September 14, 1970.