
2 IN PREPARING the Co-President’s Message for this edition of The RAPS Sheet, I looked up the definition of lifeblood. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the term as “the indispensable factor or influence that gives something its strength and vitality.” The strength and vitality of RAPS are reflected in the names in the staff box on page 1, and I’m pleased to report that it contains three new names. We welcome to the Board Alan Cabelly and Rick Hardt as members-at-large and Dave Krug as chair of the Membership Committee. And I want to also acknowledge the contributions of the Board members whose terms of service are ending. Pati Sluys is ending her tenure as chair of the Membership Committee, and Cheryl Livneh and Michael Taylor are ending their terms as membersat-large. These three members have logged many hours of service to RAPS and, as a result, made significant contributions to our association. Indeed, volunteers are the lifeblood of RAPS, and I hope you will join me in thanking those who have served, continue to serve, and have recently volunteered to serve RAPS. Last spring, as we struggled to find people to volunteer for leadership positions, one person stands out for me, and that is Bruce Stern. Bruce volunteered to run for another term as co-president of RAPS; this will be his third term. We owe Bruce a debt of gratitude for once again stepping up to the plate and offering his considerable leadership talents to RAPS. RAPS SHEET n SUMMER 2023 CO-PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE RAPS has a strong foundation—you can make it stronger Moving into the coming year, RAPS has a strong foundation of successes upon which to build. Our fundraising activities have enabled us to continue to build our scholarship endowment and made it possible to upgrade the history preservation display in Smith Center and to enrich and diversify the images in the display. As you will learn in this edition of The RAPS Sheet, our association will continue its tradition of offering its members outstanding programs, events, and activities. Plus, you will learn that RAPS will bring back travel opportunities for its members. Still, the coming year will have its challenges. Our greatest challenges are increasing our membership and recruiting volunteers for leadership roles. You can help recruit members by making others aware of the association and encouraging them to join. You can also help by volunteering to work on an activity, serve on a committee, or assume a leadership role. Unfortunately, several people who have served RAPS admirably for a number of years will be stepping down next year, and we will be faced with the difficult task of replacing them. I encourage you to take a page out of Bruce Stern’s playbook and step up to the plate by volunteering to serve. I hope to see you at the annual picnic this month. And I encourage you to look in next month’s edition of The RAPS Sheet for additional benefits that will be available to RAPS members beginning this fall. —Janine Allen RAPS will continue to offer its members outstanding programs, events, and activities. Still, the coming year will have its challenges.