
4 RAPS SHEET n MAY 2023 NOTES FROM THE SCHOLARSHIP CHAIR A grateful voice AMID THE HUM of Portland State retirees renewing their connections of many years, the voice of a student came through loud and clear at the President’s Luncheon on April 18 when Melody Park, the 2022-2023 recipient of the RAPS Robert Vogelsang Scholarship, thanked you all for enabling her to complete her master’s in speech and hearing sciences. She’s finishing her externship at Providence St. Vincent Hospital and looking forward to the likelihood that working with older adults will be a significant part of her work. She’s interviewing for opportunities now. It was wonderful to have Melody’s own voice reminding us of how our scholarship translates into student lives and into the larger world. Scholarship applications for the next round of awards begin next November. Members of the Scholarship Committee will be in touch with Social Work, the Gerontology Institute, and other undergraduate and graduate departments related to health care as well as the needs of an aging population. We want to get the word out about the scholarship to our most important audience: students who can benefit. If you have suggestions about where we might find likely applicants, please send word to our RAPS office manager, Eben Yemoh, via this email address: rapsmail@pdx.edu. A little research revealed that our $9,000 scholarship is among the larger of the scholarships offered at PSU, something of which we can all be proud. We’ll keep you informed of the Scholarship Committee’s effort to assure the availability of the scholarship for a long time to come. We are all a part of that effort. —Sherwin Davidson Correction TWO ERRORS occurred in the story about Melody Park, the recipient of the 2022-2023 RAPS Robert Vogelsang Scholarship, that appeared in the April edition of The RAPS Sheet. The first was the location of her externship, and the second was her academic minor at the University of Wyoming. Her externship is at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland. Her academic minor was ethnomusicology. Our apologies to Melody! The President’s Luncheon makes a joyful return ON APRIL 18, four years after its last engagement, the President’s Luncheon for Retired Faculty and Staff returned to Smith Memorial Center Ballroom. With the pandemic at bay, RAPS members welcomed new scholarship recipient Melody Park (far left), honored President Steve Percy (below left), presented awards to retired faculty Barbara Alberty and Tom Potiowsky (left with Pat Squire, program co-chair), heard from co-presidents Janine Allen (below center) and Bruce Stern, and brought together old friends, among them Charlie White, Steve Harmon, and Robert Mercer (top left). Dawn White photo Larry Sawyer photos