
3 RAPS SHEET n MAY 2023 Book Group THE BOOK GROUP met on April 17 and discussed A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. It was a small group with three members missing because of other obligations. We learned that changing the day that the group meets, however good the reason, is not a good idea—especially when a challenging book demands the ideas of all members. A Tale for the Time Being is a very complex book. One of the two main characters lives in Japan, the other in British Columbia. One has probably died in the tsunami that devastated coastal Japan in 2011, but a packet of her letters and a diary have washed ashore and are found by the character in British Columbia. Each of these characters and events has a complex and thoughtful history, and each history raises thought-provoking questions. There is an appendix on quantum mechanics and one on the thought experiment of Schrodinger’s cat, which gives an idea of the complexity of the book. The group would certainly label it thoughtful and provocative, and hard to tie to any experiences that were common to group members. I have a sense that each person in the group would have written a different description of the book. Our next meeting will be May 16, and we will be discussing Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan. Two novels in two months, but I rather think they will be quite different novels and different discussions. The Book Group meets on the third Tuesday of the month. We are still using Zoom for our meetings, and it has worked well for this group. Any RAPS member is welcome to join the group. —Joan Shireman Bridge Group THE BRIDGE GROUP is in need of additional players; do you want to join us? We really could use some more players. We are a friendly group, and we promise to welcome new players warmly. I would like to hear from any interested RAPS members, or others you know who might want to play in our group. The Bridge Group does not require RAPS membership. Your friends and relatives would be welcome to join us. Please rattle your social and family networks to see if you might be able to shake loose a bridge player or two. RAPS Group Reports Please contact Steve Brennan, 503-889-0146. My email address is: the.steve.brennan@gmail.com. —Steve Brennan Hiking Group THE APRIL HIKE to Catherine Creek/Coyote Wall was postponed due to inclement weather. It has been tentatively rescheduled for some time during the first week of May. The regularly scheduled May 17 hike will be at the Chehalem Ridge Nature Park in Gaston. This is a 1,250-acre Metro park with several trails; the Chehalem Ridge Trail is 9.1 miles in and out. Hikers will decide how much to hike. The June 21 hike will be in the Milo McIver State Park, near Estacada. For information on hikes or to be included on the mailing list, please contact Tom Dieterich at tgdieterich@earthlink.net. —Tom Dieterich JORDAN SCHNITZER MUSEUM TOUR—Twenty RAPS members and friends enjoyed a guided tour of the “Weaving Data” exhibit at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art Friday, April 14. The tour was led by Anna Kienberger, education and communications coordinator, who talked about the woven works created by nine contemporary fiber artists. Here she points out features of “Gautama,” a handmade woolen carpet measuring 112 inches x 149 inches created by Faig Ahmed. The exhibit closes Saturday, April 29. The museum is free and open to the public.