
2 RAPS SHEET n MAY 2023 CO-PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE RAPS is looking for a few good volunteers—like you I AM QUITE INVOLVED in two considerably different organizations: In RAPS I serve as co-president and in the Brotherhood of Congregation Neveh Shalom I serve as VP of programming. Although the organizations are strikingly different, they share one issue, and that is difficulty in finding good people to step up to join committees and take leadership positions. Most members of both groups are more than capable of doing so but do not. Even though a significant part of my Ph.D. was in psychology, I’m at a loss to understand why this phenomenon occurs. I’ve borrowed a few quotes from prominent people in hopes that they will inspire you to “step up.” n Helping others is perhaps the greatest joy! You cannot have a perfect day without helping others with no thought of getting something in return. —John Wooden n Helping others is the way we help ourselves. —Oprah Winfrey n As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands—one for helping yourself and the other for helping others. —Audrey Hepburn n The heart of a volunteer is never measured by size, but by the depth of commitment to make a difference in the lives of others. —DeAnn Hollis n Volunteers do not necessarily have the time. They have the heart. —Elizabeth Andrew RAPS has the following standing committees: n Awards n Election n History Preservation n Membership n Program n Scholarship n Social If you’d like to join one of these committees we’d welcome you with open arms. Just email me at bruce@thesternfamily.net and let me know. Our next program will take place May 18 at noon in S-17 Cramer Hall. Andrew Fountain, professor emeritus in the Department of Geology, will discuss “The World of Changing Ice.” So if you’re interested in glaciers and the environment, plan to join us. A deli lunch will be provided. —Bruce Stern GEORGIA RONAN CRAMPTON, a professor of English at Portland State University for over 20 years, died March 25 at the age of 97. One of six children, she was born on May 22, 1925, and attended a one-room school for grades one through eight before graduating from Lewiston High School. She earned a B.A. from College of St. Teresa, Winona, Minnesota, in 1949, then received an M.A. in 1963 and a Ph.D. in 1967 from the University of Oregon. Professor Crampton joined the English faculty at Portland State University in 1972. She specialized in medieval studies and authored The Conditions of Creatures: Suffering and Action in Chaucer and Spenser (Yale Press, 1974). She also edited The Shewings of Julian of Norwich (Western Michigan University, 2001). She was promoted to emeritus professor upon retirement. Professor Crampton is survived by her brother, John Ronan, as well as many nieces and nephews. Her husband, John A. Crampton, a professor of political science at Lewis & Clark College, preceded her in death in 2013, as did her sisters Carol Ronan, Rose Halpern, Margeurite Haas, and Mary Kohner. Remembrances may be sent to The Carter Center, 453 John Lewis Freedom Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30307. In memoriam: Georgia Ronan Crampton, 1925-2023 The organizations share one issue: the difficulty in finding good people to step up to join committees and take leadership positions.