
4 RAPS SHEET n FEBRUARY 2023 RAPS Group Reports Book Group THE BOOK GROUP met on January 17 and discussed The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway. We had decided to read it because we knew very little about that part of the world, or that war. After an hour and a half discussing the book, we remain uncertain about both. The book has four characters—the cellist who is playing as a memorial to 22 people killed when they were in line waiting for bread; a young man who several times a week makes a dangerous journey to get water for his family; an older man who is trying to get to a bakery to get a loaf of bread; and a young woman who is a talented and accurate sniper. Each character is pushed into self-examination by the events of the novel. Each member of the Book Group seemed to approach the novel from a different direction. Some were intrigued by the history and meaning of the music, or by the cello itself. Some were moved by the author’s depiction of life in a city that is under siege and being starved. Some worked to tie the events in the novel to the history of the war. Our discussion was scattered. We did agree that the book was well written and in places very moving, and that each of the characters had moments of self-reflection in which they grew. We did not agree on whether we liked the book. In February we will read and discuss Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest by Suzanne Simard. This is an enthusiastically reviewed book; the Amazon content page describes Simard as “the world’s leading forest ecologist who forever changed how people view trees and their connections to one another and to other living things in the forest—a moving, deeply personal journey of discovery.” We are looking forward to it. The Book Group meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. Traditionally we have met in the homes of various members; currently we are using Zoom for our discussions and plan to continue in this way for a time. All RAPS members are welcome to join the group. —Joan Shireman Bridge Group THE BRIDGE GROUP has begun playing in person, after a long pandemic hiatus. We need additional players; do you want to join us? We really could use some more players, and we promise not to bite any new players. We need to establish a suitable time to meet. Which days and weeks work best for your schedule? I would like to hear from any interested RAPS members, or others you know who might want to play in our group. The Bridge Group does not require RAPS membership. Your friends and relatives would be welcome to join us. Please rattle your social and family networks to see if you might be able to shake loose a bridge player or two. Please contact Steve Brennan, 503-889-0146. My email address is: the.steve.brennan@gmail.com. —Steve Brennan Hiking Group THE JANUARY RAPS hike took the seven-person group along the Springwater Trail, across the Tilikum Bridge, south along the waterfront, and across the Sellwood Bridge, with a stop for lunch at Elephant’s Deli at the west end of the Tilikum Bridge. The February 8 hike will be a Portland Hills walk (Laura Foster hike), Willamette Heights to Balch Creek Canyon Loop. The March 15 hike will be in Oregon City. If you are interested in being added to the hiking group mailing list, please contact Tom Dieterich or Cilla Murray at tgdieterich@earthlink.net. Notices about the hikes and their logistics are sent to the email group, usually at least a week to 10 days before the hike. 2023 HIKE SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 8: Portland City Hike: Willamette Heights to Balch Creek Canyon Loop MARCH 15: Oregon City Hike APRIL 19: Catherine Creek/Coyote Wall MAY 17: Chehalem Ridge (unless moved to geology hike in August). Alternative: May 10 Wilson River JUNE 21: McIver State Park JULY 19: Elk Meadows (Mt. Hood) AUGUST: TBD; geology hike with Scott Burns SEPTEMBER 20: Wildwood Area, Boulder Ridge (Mt. Hood) OCTOBER 18: Steigerwald NOVEMBER 15: Newall Creek Canyon (Oregon City) —Tom Dieterich