
2 RAPS SHEET n FEBRUARY 2023 CO-PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Invite a friend to the opera on March 16 TO SAY THAT the last three years has had no effect on RAPS would be an understatement. Indeed, like many organizations, RAPS has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, unlike many organizations, under the adept leadership of its board, RAPS was able to continue to offer high-quality programs to its members. Nevertheless, over the past few years RAPS has experienced a reduction in its membership. Since assuming the role of copresident a few months ago, I have asked fellow PSU retirees who are not members of RAPS why they have not yet joined the organization. The answers I most often get are: • I have not gotten around to joining. • I did not know about the association and/or its benefits to members. • I did not realize RAPS was still able to offer so many excellent programs. On behalf of the RAPS Board, I ask that each of you help keep our organization strong by letting others know that RAPS successfully managed the COVID-19 storm, is very much “open for business,” and continues to offer high-quality programs to its members. Furthermore, a great way to make prospective members aware of the benefits of RAPS is to give them an opportunity to experience firsthand what the organization has to offer. One of our most popular programs occurs with the spring potluck when PSU opera students perform excerpts from the upcoming opera performance for RAPS members. This year, under the direction of the new opera program director, Kelley Nassief, students will sing selections from The Magic Flute for RAPS members on Thursday, March 16. Please feel free to invite friends and colleagues who are prospective members as your guest to this event and let RAPS sell itself to them. We will have membership information and applications available at the event. Alternatively, if you will not be able to attend the event, but have someone in mind to invite to the opera, just let me (allenj@pdx.edu) or Eben Yemoh (rapsmail@pdx.edu) know the person’s name and contact information. The RAPS Board will reach out to the prospective member with an invitation to join us for the opera performance. As a reminder, RAPS membership is open to: • All retired PSU personnel and their spouses • Current PSU personnel ages 55 and over • Retired personnel from other accredited colleges and universities • Widows or widowers of members of any of the other groups I hope you will bring a guest on March 16 and give RAPS a chance to showcase itself. —Janine Allen Larry Sawyer photograph WILLIAM COMER, professor of Russian and director of Portland State’s Russian Flagship Program, spoke at the RAPS monthly general meeting on January 19. Using 11 maps, Comer wove the long history of Ukraine’s conflict and discord with various external powers before it gained independence in 1991 as the Soviet Union disintegrated. See page 1 to learn about the RAPS February program.