3 RAPS SHEET n NOVEMBER 2022 Beacon Rock and, in the distance, Bonneville Dam were among the views enjoyed by the RAPS Hiking Group recently. Read more about their adventures in the Hiking Group report on page 4. Tom Dieterich photo The challenge applies to donations made November 1 to December 31, 2022. Last year’s scholarship recipient, Jett Koda, was a student in the Graduate School of Social Work, focusing on hospice and end-of-life care. According to Jett’s thank-you ruling that he didn’t meet the state’s residency requirement. Like his campaign, Kristof’s retirement was shortlived. The New York Times announced in August 2022 that he would be returning in the fall to his old job—writing columns on human rights, women’s rights, health, and global affairs—after finishing a book that Kristof describes as a “journalistic memoir.” As he told New York magazine in April, “I like journalism, and I think it’s hard to beat the journalistic toolbox for making a better world.” A self-described “Oregon farm boy,” Kristof is planning to live in Oregon even as his return to the Times requires regular trips to New York and assignments all over the world. But his Oregon roots are in clear focus Nick Kristof speaks to RAPS . . . Continued from page 1 Thursday, November 17, when he speaks to RAPS over Zoom on “Challenges Facing Oregon and My Vision for Addressing Them.” To learn more about Kristof’s storied career as a journalist, which includes two Pulitzer prizes—one shared with his wife, writer Sheryl WuDunn, in 1990 for their coverage of the mass movement for democracy in China in 1989 and its subsequent suppression—see Co-President Bruce Stern’s column on page 2. The November 17 meeting begins at noon with a few announcements, followed by Kristof’s presentation. RAPS will provide the link to the Zoom meeting several days in advance of the event. letter to RAPS, “I am so grateful to be a recipient and for the investment you are making in my future.” Now is a good chance to make your donations really count. Thank you for your support of the RAPS Robert Vogelsang Scholarship! Anonymous donor back with another scholarship challenge . . . Continued from page 1