3 THE RAPS SHEET MAY 2022 RAPS Group Reports Book Group THE RAPS BOOK GROUP met via Zoom on April 19 and discussed The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler’s Ghettos by Judy Batalion. This is a remarkable book, the product of years of study of original documents in multiple languages, accounts by other writers, and interviews with the families of the women portrayed. It is the story of amazing feats of courage and determination by a large number of Jewish women, in multiple ghettos of Poland, as they resisted the Nazi occupation of their country and the Nazi destruction of their people. It is detailed in its description of the cruelty of the German occupiers. We were all impressed by the courage of these women, and distressed by the tortures they endured. With its setting in Poland, we were also drawn into discussion of the roles of Russia and Ukraine and the long shadow of history. In May the book group will read Anxious People, a novel by Fredrik Backman. We hope it will be less intense than our April book. The book group meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. Traditionally we have met in members’ homes; now we are meeting through Zoom. All RAPS members are welcome to join the group. —Joan Shireman Bridge Group THE BRIDGE GROUP is alive and well after its long COVID hibernation. That means in-person play begins (post-pandemic) Tuesday, May 3. The room location is still not settled, so I will send an email note to our known bridge group membership before the event. We plan to begin play at noon on May 3. If you have questions please contact Steve Brennan, 503-889-0146. My email address is: the.steve.brennan@ gmail.com. —Steve Brennan Hiking Group THE NEXT HIKE is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, on the Lacamas Park Trail in Washington. (It was originally scheduled for April 26.) The May 24 hike will be on the Deschutes River Trail near The Dalles. On the misty moisty morning of March 22, four RAPS hikers strolled the flat Dike Trail along the Columbia River in Washougal, Washington, from the Steamboat Landing Park through the Captain William Clark Park to the temporary closure at Steigerwald Wildlife Refuge. A northwestern extension of the river trail from the Steamboat Landing Park may warrant further exploration as well as a return to Steigerwald when the conservation restorations have been completed. The early river mists, which made for wonderful photography, dissipated in time for a picnic lunch and a sunny walk back to the car. —Tom Dieterich Three RAPS hikers, Tom Hard, Mary Lane Stevens, and Cilla Murray, walk along the misty Dike Trail along the Columbia River in Washougal, Washington, on the morning of March 22. The Hiking Group will take on the Lacamas Park Trail in Washington on May 3.