Your gift keeps the RAPS Scholarship ‘in business’! RAPS Scholarship Donation Form N a m e __________________________________________________________________________ A d d r e s s ______________________________________________________________________ C i t y __________________________________________________________________________ State ________ Zip __________________________________ P h o n e __________________________________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ Donation amount: q $500 q $250 q $100 q $50 Other: ____ Donation made in memory of: ______________________________________ Donation made in honor of: ______________________________________ Make checks payable to: PSU Foundation and noted for RAPS Scholarship Please mail to: RAPS, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751 To use a credit card, go to the PSU Foundation website: Since 2011 RAPS has awarded a scholarship every year to a student whose interest is focused on an aspect of gerontology. Some recipients have focused on health care, others on the economic and social challenges of old age. One of the sources of funding for the scholarship has been the holiday party bake sale. Another source has been the door prizes that we have used to encourage donations at each general meeting. And of course, the biggest source of funds has been the donation from Colette Tours in which RAPS members participate. 2020 and 2021 have been different. We did not have a holiday gathering last year. No in-person activities meant no door prizes. No travel meant no income from Colette Tours. We have been limited to appeals such as this one if we are to sustain RAPS ability to award a scholarship each year. More than ever, we need your help to continue awarding scholarships. Please consider a sustaining gift to help us “stay in business.” Thank you! —Joan Shireman 7 The RAPS Sheet Summer 2021