5 The RAPS Sheet September 2021 Upcoming RAPS events OCTOBER Thursday, October 21 “Inside ‘The Cube’: PSU’s Idea Lab for Innovation and Entrepreneurship,” presentation by Juan Barraza, director of Student Innovation, PSU Center for Entrepreneurship (PSUCE), and two students in the program speaking on the center’s activities and how the students brought their ideas to fruition. Room 333 SMSU. NOVEMBER Thursday, November 18 “Acting on Equity and Racial Justice,” presentation by President Steve Percy and Ame Lambert, vice president for Global Diversity and Inclusion, on the University’s efforts to combat racism and advance social justice across campus. Room TBA. DECEMBER Thursday, December 9 Annual Holiday Party, Augustana Lutheran Church, NE Portland. Thanks to your gifts in 2020-21, the RAPS Scholarship is ‘in business’! RAPS Scholarship Donation Form N a m e __________________________________________________________________________ A d d r e s s ______________________________________________________________________ C i t y __________________________________________________________________________ State ________ Zip __________________________________ P h o n e __________________________________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ Donation amount: q $500 q $250 q $100 q $50 Other: ____ Donation made in memory of: ______________________________________ Donation made in honor of: ______________________________________ Make checks payable to: PSU Foundation and noted for RAPS Scholarship Please mail to: RAPS, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751 To use a credit card, go to the PSU Foundation website: https://www.psuf.org Since 2011 RAPS has awarded a scholarship every year to a student whose interest is focused on an aspect of gerontology. Some recipients have focused on health care, others on the economic and social challenges of old age. Four years ago, noting rising tuition and costs of books, the scholarship amount was raised to $4,500. And always we have been successful in funding the scholarship. The academic year of 2020-21 was different. Because we met only remotely, the fundraising that was dependent on in-person events could not happen. No Christmas bake sale, no solicitation for gifts at meetings. And no income from RAPS members participating in Colette tours. We were limited to appeals in the RAPS Sheet. And we should be very proud of ourselves. Twenty-three donors gave $7,736 to the Scholarship Fund in the past academic year— enough to fund this year’s scholarship! Recent appeals have asked you to help us “stay in business.” And you did! Thank you! —Joan Shireman