3 The RAPS Sheet November 2021 RAPS Group Reports Book Group THE BOOK GROUP met on October 19 and discussed Walter Isaacson’s The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race. The book tells the story of the development of a way to modify the genetic code of humans, a story that is replete with both competition among scientists and with collaboration to achieve remarkable discoveries. Much of the our discussion focused on the unusual presence of a woman as a leader in the discovery. Jennifer Doudna was a 2020 winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry. The ability to alter the genetic code puts enormous power in the hands of mankind, and another thread of our discussion concerned the ethical questions this has raised, and the discussions among scientists of ways to monitor the uses of this new knowledge. We were impressed by the book, learned from it, and were pleased to have read and discussed it. Next month we are planning to read Isabel Allende’s Long Petal of the Sea, a novel of the Spanish Civil War. A New York Times best seller, it has received excellent reviews, and we are looking forward to reading it. The Book Group meets the third Tuesday of each month, traditionally in the homes of various members. Currently we are using Zoom for our meetings. Any RAPS member is welcome to join the group. —Joan Shireman Bridge Group THE RAPS BRIDGE GROUP (pre-pandemic shut down) used to meet in the afternoon on the first Tuesday of each month. Play began at 12:15 p.m and finished up by 4 p.m. We met in Smith Center, and we had a set of about 10 regular players. Most months we had two tables, but some months we could only gather enough players for one table. Given the recent decline in COVID-19 cases in Multnomah County, it is time to consider restarting in-person bridge sessions. Multnomah County is currently at a “very high risk” level. We will watch that risk level and begin bridge sessions when the risk drops down to “moderate” or maybe just “high risk.” We need additional players; do you want to join us? I would like to hear from any interested RAPS members or others you know who might want to play in our group. The RAPS Bridge Group does not require RAPS membership; your friends and relatives would be welcome to join us. Please contact Steve Brennan, 503-889-0146. My email address is: the.steve.brennan@gmail.com. —Steve Brennan In memoriam: John A. Hanson, 1943-2021 JOHN A. HANSON, who served Portland State University as a professor in the School of Urban Affairs in the 1970s, died on September 17 at the age of 78. Professor Hanson was born on February 18, 1943, in Stockton, California, to Edwin Hanson and Alpha Low. He graduated from high school in Galt, California, and earned a bachelor’s degree in business finance at California State University, Sacramento, in 1967. He received a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Oregon in 1972. At Portland State Professor Hanson conducted graduate seminars focused on the economics of urban problems and the analysis of urban and regional growth. His primary research interests involved abstract mathematical modeling of urban development with a focus on determinants of urban density patterns. In 1980 he began a second career at NW Natural as director of forecasting and utility planning, often serving as an expert witness in energy utility regulatory matters before state public utility commissions. He also spoke at energy utility conferences across North America. He retired in 2005. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Marion; his daughter, Kirsten; two grandchildren, Kristen and Kevin; a sister, Nora; and two brothers, Thomas and Michael. Due to the pandemic, there was no memorial service. Remembrances may be sent to the American Cancer Society.