5 The RAPS Sheet March 2021 This year, your RAPS Scholarship gift means more! RAPS Scholarship Donation Form N a m e __________________________________________________________________________ A d d r e s s ______________________________________________________________________ C i t y __________________________________________________________________________ State ________ Zip __________________________________ P h o n e __________________________________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ Donation amount: q $500 q $250 q $100 q $50 Other: ____ Donation made in memory of: ______________________________________ Donation made in honor of: ______________________________________ Make checks payable to: PSU Foundation and noted for RAPS Scholarship Please mail to: RAPS, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751 To use a credit card, go to the PSU Foundation website: https://www.psuf.org Since 2011-12 RAPS has awarded a scholarship every year to a student whose interest is focused on some aspect of gerontology. This year’s recipient is Ingrid Hannan; you met her in the December RAPS Sheet. As the chair of the Scholarship Committee, I introduced myself via email, and in her reply she wrote, “Thanks for reaching out to me! It makes a world of difference to know there are real humans out there when sometimes academia can feel impersonal.” And it must indeed feel impersonal this year, with most classes taught remotely, campus activities non-existent. The RAPS Scholarship is more than financial help. It is a vote of confidence in the ability of the recipient to succeed. In a year when personal relationships are difficult to establish, this aspect of the scholarship may be particularly important. This year is also different for the funding of the RAPS Scholarship. Many of the ways in which we raised money in past year are no longer possible. No in-person activities means no door prizes, no holiday bake sale. And no travel means no income from Collette Tours. More than ever we need your help to continue to offer this scholarship. Please consider a sustaining gift to help us “stay in business.” —Joan Shireman