3 The RAPS Sheet March 2021 APRIL Friday, April 23 The Annual President’s Luncheon for Staff and Faculty has been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, President Steve Percy will still be on hand — via Zoom — to update RAPS members on the University’s achievements and continuing challenges. Note: date subject to change. Upcoming RAPS events RAPS Group Reports Book Group APPARENTLY EVEN a Zoom meeting can be canceled by the weather. The RAPS Book Group did not meet at its scheduled time in February. Snow and ice interrupted electricity and/or internet connections for many members, so we postponed the meeting for a week. Hoping that all connections would be restored, we rescheduled the meeting for Tuesday, February 23, at 1:30 p.m., to discuss Have You Seen Luis Velez? by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Our March meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. on March 23 via Zoom, and we will discuss The Sixth Extinction, An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert. Scientists identify five extinctions in the past. The cause of these extinctions has been debated—were they slow extinctions or triggered by catastrophe? These arguments are examined, though the focus of the book is the sixth extinction, which is occurring now— “now” in geologic terms being a fairly long time span; the mastodon is part of this extinction. The book is fascinating and we expect an interesting discussion. Queer Opera Experience, housed at PSU, and serves as its director. According to its website, Queer Opera is “dedicated to providing a safe stage for LGBTQIA+ singers and allies to tell queer stories through the traditional genre of opera.” RAPS will provide the link to join the March 18 meeting several days in advance of the event. The presentation by Meadows and Dillard will begin a few minutes after noon. Opera presentation . . . From page 1 The RAPS Book Group meets the third Tuesday of each month, traditionally in the homes of various members. Currently we are using Zoom for our meetings. Any RAPS member is welcome to join the group. —Joan Shireman Bridge and Hiking Groups BRIDGE GROUP AND HIKING GROUP activities have been suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. MAY Thursday, May 20 The annual ice cream social has been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, the scheduled meeting will occur via Zoom, with Maryhelen Kincaid, project leader, presenting “The Vanport Placemarking Project: Remembering and Honoring Vanport’s Significant Cultural History.”