
6 The RAPS Sheet December 2021 RAPS Group Reports Book Group THE BOOK GROUP met on November 16 and discussed Isabele Allende’s A Long Petal of the Sea. This is the story of a family that takes refuge in Chile in the aftermath of Franco’s takeover of Spain. It is also a story of Chile itself, a country that has been hospitable to refugees and has struggled to maintain freedom for its citizens. In discussing the book, we felt we were also learning about South America. Beautifully written, with complex characters, it is a compelling and memorable book. In December we are going to read and discuss Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future by Elizabeth Kolbert. It is a sequel to her prizewinning The Sixth Extinction, which we read earlier. The Book Group meets the third Tuesday of each month, traditionally in the homes of various members. Currently we are using Zoom for our meetings. Any RAPS member is welcome to join the group. —Joan Shireman Bridge Group THE BRIDGE GROUP (pre-pandemic shut down) used to meet in the afternoon on the first Tuesday of each month. Play began at 12:15 p.m. and finished up by 4 p.m. We met in Smith Center. We had a set of about 10 regular players. Most months we had two tables but some months we could only gather enough players for one table. COVID-19 cases in Multnomah County do not seem to be declining to a “moderate risk” level. I am not sure that it would be a good idea to restart in-person bridge sessions just yet. Multnomah County is currently at a “very high risk” level. We will watch that risk level and begin bridge sessions when the risk drops down to “moderate” or maybe just “high risk.” We need additional players; do you want to join us? I would like to hear from any interested RAPS members, or others you know who might want to play in our group. The RAPS Bridge Group does not require RAPS membership; your friends and relatives would be welcome to join us. Please contact Steve Brennan, 503-889-0146. My email address is: the.steve.brennan@gmail.com. —Steve Brennan The RAPS Scholarship committee is considering a fundraising trip called “Autumn in Vermont featuring Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks.” You can view the trip details at the link: https://www.gocollette.com/en/tours/north-america/usa/autumnin-vermont The first trip begins on September 11, 2022, and the last trip begins on October 23, 2022. Two trips in early October are already sold out. If you are interested, please contact larry_sawyer@comcast.net or joanshireman@gmail.com. Autumn in Vermont A RAPS TRIP IN FALL OF 2022