
4 The RAPS Sheet April 2021 RAPS IS CELEBRATING the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Vanport Extension Center, which grew into Portland State University, by offering RAPS members and friends Portland State: A History in Pictures for only the cost of shipping and handling. The 180-page book, a RAPS publication, begins with the first days of the University as a temporary extension center. It follows the development of Portland State into a four-year college in the 1950s and into today’s urban research university. More than 300 photographs chronicle events and people critical to Portand State’s growth, ranging from classic scenes of life at Vanport College to relatively recent PSU students, classrooms, labs, athletics, events, and leaders. Published in 2009, Portland State: A History in Pictures features commentary by Richard Sanders ’57 and photo editing by PSU photographer Brent Schauer. Charlie White served as lead editor, assisted by Clarence Hein ’65 as co-editor. To order your copy—or copies—please fill out the form below and mail it, with a check for $5 for each book to cover shipping and handling, to: RAPS, Portland State University, Post Office Box 751, Portland OR 97207-0751. Please make your check payable to the PSU Foundation and write “PSU: A History in Pictures” on the memo line. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $__________ for ________ copies of Portland State: A History in Pictures at $5 each. Please make your check payable to: PSU Foundation and write “PSU: A History in Pictures” on the memo line. Mail to: RAPS, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207-0751. Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________________________________ State________ Zip__________________________________ Telephone number ________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ Thank you! RAPS ‘Portland State: A History in Pictures’ RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION OF PORTLAND STATE PORTLAND STATE CELEBRATES ITS 75TH ANNIVERSARY Own a piece of Portland State history!