
2 The RAPS Sheet April 2021 CO-PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Help make PSU an Age-Friendly University about your perceptions of your campus’s efforts to be age-friendly, as well as to achieve a greater understanding of attitudes in the campus community toward individuals of diverse ages, including those who study and work at your campus. The study uses the newly developed AFU Inventory and Campus Climate Survey (ICCS). Please participate in the online survey portion of the ICCS using this link: https://umassboston.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0D4WJ gccsAWaYhn. This survey explores perceptions of faculty, students, and staff concerning various age-friendly principles. All survey responses are anonymous, and group summary data will be the focus of the analysis. The survey results will help Portland State University identify its age-friendly assets and gaps and refine what age-friendliness means in higher education and how we can broaden and deepen our efforts. Switching topics to COVID vaccinations, do you need any help scheduling your appointments? I struggled to get my first appointment (doing battle at the end of February with a slow, overwhelmed and cumbersome website). The RAPS office manager, Samantha McKinlay, has been volunteering with the 211 call center. She has offered to help RAPS members needing to make their first vaccination appointment. You may contact Samantha by phone at 503-725-3447 or by email at rapsmail@pdx.edu. —Steve Brennan IN 2018 PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY joined the global Age-Friendly University initiative. The Age-Friendly University (AFU) network consists of more than 70 colleges and universities from 10 countries. Eight of the institutions are from Ireland (where AFU was started in 2012). These colleges and universities have endorsed the 10 AFU principles and committed themselves to becoming more age-friendly in their programs and policies. Joining the AFU Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) network of global partners offers institutions the opportunity to learn about emerging age-friendly efforts and to contribute to an educational movement of social, personal, and economic benefit to students of all ages and institutions of higher education alike. PSU has endorsed the Age-Friendly University principles. For RAPS members the most salient AFU principles call for wider access to online educational opportunities for older adults and enhanced access for older adults to the university’s range of health and wellness programs and to its arts and cultural activities. Another principle calls for a university to engage its retired community. The University of Massachusetts Boston (an AFU member) is conducting an online survey to evaluate member campus efforts to uphold the principles of AgeFriendly Universities. The purpose of the study is to learn To learn more about Vikings on the Vine, contact Charlie Hall, assistant director of Alumni Relations, at 503-725-4909, or by email at hallc@psuf.org. To join Vikings on the Vine, go to partners.vinoshipper.com. Celebrate PSU’s 75th with Vikings on the Vine! Join Vikings on the Vine and get a bottle of the limited edition Viking Cuvée to celebrate PSU’s 75th anniversary! Vikings on the Vine is the Alumni Association’s premier wine club, delivering award-winning wines with a Portland State connection to your door twice a year. Wines included in the spring shipment are from alumni-affiliated winery Fullerton Wines and alumni-owned Sokol Blosser Winery: 2019 Three Otters Pinot Gris; 2019 Three Otters Rosé; 2016 Croft Vineyard Pinot Noir; and the Commemorative 75th 2018 Anniversary Wine, Viking Cuvée Pinot Noir.