3 The RAPS Sheet September 2020 RAPS Group Reports Book Group THE RAPS BOOK GROUP met on August 18, via Zoom, to discuss Hilary Mantel’s The Mirror and the Light, the third book in her trilogy examining the life of Thomas Cromwell. We had read the first two books some years ago, but our memories were vague about them. We were struck again by the intrigue of the court of Henry VIII, and by the complexity of relationships in that court. We were unable to unravel the circumstances that led to Cromwell’s downfall, having been led by the author into the complexities of international relations, as Cromwell himself was. We agreed that the writing was wonderful, poetic in places, and we agreed that the book was too long. September 15 will be our next meeting, to be held via Zoom, when we will discuss A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II by Sonia Purnell. This is the biography of a woman who became the head of a vast spy ring during World War II, and was important in the French Resistance. It has won multiple awards, and we expect it to be an interesting book to read and discuss. Our hope is that it will be less challenging than the August selection. Our selection for October is The Invention of Nature by Andrea Wulf; it was well reviewed and praised by a group member who has read it. We were saddened this month by the loss of Felicia Wirtz, who has been a contributing member of the group for many years. We will miss her greatly. Book Group meets the third Tuesday of each month, traditionally in the homes of various members. Currently we are using Zoom for our meetings and gradually becoming more comfortable with that format. Any RAPS member is welcome to join the group. —Joan Shireman Bridge and Hiking Groups BRIDGE GROUP AND HIKING GROUP activities have been suspended due to the coronavirus. Upcoming RAPS events OCTOBER Thursday, October 15 “Behind the Headlines: Reflections on PSU Magazine Cover Stories,” presented by recent PSU retirees Kathryn and John Kirkland. Kathryn is the former editor of PSU Magazine and PSU Currently; John was a staff writer in the Office of University Communications. Presented via Zoom. NOVEMBER Thursday, November 19 Bryce Henry, PSU’s archivist for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Archives (AECA), offers a PowerPoint presentation that includes images of the PSU campus taken over the course of several decades. Presented via Zoom. DECEMBER Thursday, December 10 Annual Holiday Brunch, held at St. Augustana Lutheran Church in NE Portland. LOOKING AHEAD TO 2021 The political scene and economic climate dominate the first two presentations of 2021. On Thursday, January 21, political science professor Christopher Shortell will discuss the outcome of the 2020 national presidential election, and on Thursday, February 18, Tom Potiowsky, retired economics professor and former economist for the state of Oregon, will bring RAPSters up to date on the state’s economy. The March meeting traditionally begins with a potluck lunch followed by a presentation by Christine Meadows, director of PSU’s opera program, and PSU opera students singing excerpts from the spring opera. Will there be a spring opera? We don’t know. An opera presentation on Thursday, March 18, is still on the schedule; a potluck seems unlikely at this point due to the coronavirus pandemic.