
RAPS Group Reports Book Group THE RAPS BOOK GROUP met on September 17 at Nancy Chapman’s home and discussed The Library Bookby Susan Orlean. Of course we all liked the book—what book group would not like a book about books? Focused on the Central Library in Los Angeles, and beginning with a 1986 fire that came close to destroying the library and its collection, the book explores the interweaving of library and community. In a gentle and affectionate way, the book wanders through the history and functions of the library and its staff. Of course there is the mystery of the origin of the fire, but that seemed minor amid all the activity in the library. Our Tuesday, October 15, meeting will be at Phyllis Leonard’s home at our usual 1:30 pm time. We will discuss Where the Crawdads Sing, a novel by Delia Owens. Phyllis lives at 1061 NE Ninth Ave, Portland, apartment 1623 at the Aster Tower. Telephone Phyllis at 503-9305672 or email her at leonard.pj@gmail.com and let her know whether you will be there. The book group meets at 1:30 pm on the third Tuesday of each month. New members are always welcome. . —Joan Shireman Bridge Group THE RAPS BRIDGE GROUPmeets in the afternoon on the first Tuesday of each month. We begin play at 12:15 pm. We try to finish up by 4 pm. We meet in Smith Center. We have had some new and returning members join us for our last few meetings. Please feel free to be another one of our new members for bridge (we really would welcome more new members). Our next meeting will be on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 1, in 333 Smith Center. Please mark your calendars for the following upcoming fall term meetings which will be in 323 Smith Center: Tuesday, November 5; and Tuesday, December 3. I will send out the reminder email notice about one week prior to each date we play. If you wish to join us, please contact Steve Brennan, 503-646-6297. My email address is: the.steve.brennan@gmail.com. —Steve Brennan 3 Hiking Group THE SEPTEMBER 24 HIKE involved six hiking group members who followed the Spring Park hiking trail and navigated a path of Waverly Basalt rocks to reach the historic Elk Rock Island in the Willamette River. Hikers traveled 2.5 miles of trails along the island and were rewarded with impressive views of the steep cliffs on the west side of the river. They also encountered profusely blooming wildflowers, impressive trees, and a variety of birds. The hike planned for Tuesday, October 22, will explore trails located in or near the Portland Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary, a 172-acre property located 10 minutes from downtown Portland. The sanctuary features a Wildlife Care Center, enclosures that house the sanctuary’s “education birds,” an interpretive center with exhibits and bird viewing opportunities, and the Portland Audubon Nature Store. The sanctuary can be entered from the Interpretive Center parking lot located at 5151 NW Cornell Road, Portland 97210. Rich opportunities for bird observation are available on the trails of the sanctuary. A map of the Wildlife Sanctuary and neighboring Macleay Park trails can be found at: https://audubonportland.org/ More information regarding the October hike can be found at https://www.pdx.edu/raps/RAPS-Hikers If you plan to hike in October, please contact Larry Sawyer at 503-771-1616 or larry_sawyer@comcast.net. —Larry Sawyer September hikers Kirke Wolfe, Mary Lane Stevens, Tom Hard, Tom Dieterich, and Cilla Dieterich roamed impressive nature trails on Elk Rock Island in the Willamette River. —Photograph by Eileen Brennan