
RAPS Group Reports Book Group THE RAPS BOOK GROUP met on October 15 at Phyllis Leonard’s home. We shared our impressions and opinions of Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. The book is plotted around a murder, and the group was quite dissatisfied with this element of the book, wanting significantly more detail around the murder itself and more clues about the identity of the perpetrator. The book is also the story of a little girl growing up and coming of age in the North Carolina coastal marsh, and the group agreed that this aspect of the story was beautifully told, arousing appropriate empathy and indignation. Overall we liked the book, perhaps not quite as well as the reviewers. On November 19, we are meeting at 1:30 pm at the home of Eileen and Steve Brennan, and discussing a completely different kind of book—Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou. This is the report of an investigative journalist, based on multiple interviews and reviews of records. It details the fraud behind the rise and fall of a Silicon Valley start-up. Eileen and Steve live at 5945 SW 152nd Avenue in Beaverton. Please telephone them at 503-646-6297 or email Eileen at brennane@pdx.edu to let them know whether you will be there. The book group meets at 1:30 pm on the third Tuesday of every month. New members are always welcome. —Joan Shireman 3 —Larry Sawyer photograph October hikers Tom Hard, Tom Dieterich, Cilla Dieterich, Kirke Wolfe, Marge Terdal, and Leif Terdal enjoyed the fall colors in Forest Park Hiking Group THE OCTOBER 22 HIKE in Forest Park included following a path 1.3 miles from the Lower Macleay Trail up to the Portland Audubon Society Wildlife Sanctuary. At 10:30 am the seven hikers had a pre-arranged meeting with Nick Hardigg, the PAS executive director, who gave us a good overview of the society and its recent 22-acre purchase. Afterward we hiked 1.5 miles on the Jay Trail behind the Nature Center which features a small old growth grove on the trail with a recently dedicated Portland heritage tree. On Tuesday, November 26, the hiking group will follow a portion of the Banks-Vernonia State Trail, the first linear rail trail state park in Oregon. The Portland, Astoria & Pacific Railroad built the original rail line in 1913 to transport timber, freight, and passengers. In the 1920s, trains on the line hauled logs and lumber from Keasey and the Oregon-American mill in Vernonia to Portland. The November hike will be from the Buxton Railroad Trestle to the Stubbs Park day area where we will have a sack lunch before returning about 3.5 miles to the Buxton trail head. Additional background information can be found at: https://www.pdx.edu/raps/RAPS-Hikers If you plan to hike in November, please contact Larry Sawyer at 503-771-1616 or larry_sawyer@comcast.net. —Larry Sawyer Bridge Group THE RAPS BRIDGE GROUPmeets in the afternoon on the first Tuesday of each month. We begin play at 12:15 pm. We try to finish up by 4 pm. We meet in Smith Center. We have had some new and returning members join us for our last few meetings. Please feel free to be another one of our new members for bridge (we really would welcome more new members). Our next meeting will be on the afternoon of Tuesday, November 5, in Room 323 of Smith Center. Please mark your calendars for the following upcoming meetings: Tuesday, December 3, and Tuesday, January 7. I will send out the reminder email notice about one week prior to each date we play. If you wish to join us, please contact Steve Brennan, 503-646-6297. My email address is: the.steve.brennan@gmail.com. —Steve Brennan