
Co-President’s Message Wine drawings may return! 2 THOSE OF YOUwho have attended RAPS-sponsored monthly events know that over the past two years the “Vogie wine drawing” has been absent. Typically two or three donated bottles of wine were raffled off to members who had the option of purchasing an unlimited number of tickets. The raffle was a significant fundraiser for the RAPS scholarship, raising on average between $500 and $1,000 annually over the 10-plus years that RAPS conducted the associated with higher education), and second, RAPS was distributing alcohol without a license. Joan Shireman, RAPS’ current Scholarship Committee co-chair, has been in negotiation with the PSU Foundation Finance and Accounting Office, and together they have come up with the idea of offering door prizes. The door prize procedure entails offering every event attendant a free ticket. Each individual then has the option of making a donation. The RAPS Board will be reviewing and making a determination of whether and how to move forward with a RAPSdoor prize. Stay tuned! —Dave Krug — monthly raffle. About a year ago the PSU Foundation determined that our raffle was violating two state rules. First, a raffle of any sort is considered gaming (not allowed for any organization Upcoming member events FEBRUARY (Thursday, February 21) Melody Valdini, associate professor of political science, speaks on “The Decline of Democracy in Governments Across the World: A Temporary Shift or a New World Order?” MARCH (Thursday, March 21) Annual spring potluck and presentation by Christine Meadows, director of PSU’s Opera Program. Opera students will perform excerpts from the 2019 spring opera, Mozart’s La Finta Giardiniera (The Pretend Gardener). APRIL (Thursday, April 18) Annual ice cream social and presentation by Thomas B. Cox, chief governance officer at StrongBlock, who will speak on “BlockChain Changes How We Trust: What You Need to Know about Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies.” RAPS GOES TO Eastern Canada! SEPTEMBER 3-10, 2019 Montreal Québec City Ottawa Rockport Toronto Niagara Falls A portion of your fare supports the RAPS Scholarship Program! You’ll discover the best of Eastern Canada with RAPS! Our tour is led by Collette, a travel company with more than 100 years’ experience. Book by March 4, 2019, and save $100 per person! $3,199 per person if booked by March 4 BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY Includes R/T airfare from PDX, Hotels, Hotel Transfers, Air Taxes, Fees/Surcharges To learn more: Contact Larry Sawyer, RAPS 503-771-1616 / larry_sawyer@comcast.net Québec City and St. Lawrence River