
RAPS Elections Ballot Spring 2019 3 STEVE BRENNANjoined RAPS in 2011, after he retired from work in the private sector and his wife Eileen retired from the PSU faculty. Currently Steve serves as chair of the RAPS Award Committee and as organizer of the RAPS Bridge Group. Prior to the Brennans’ move to Oregon in 1984, Steve earned his PhD in sociology from the University of Kansas where he was a member of the research faculty. BRIAN LEWIS worked in Smith Memorial, Facilities, and Human Resources in his 36-year career at Portland State. He is just completing a three-year term as Secretary for RAPS. Brian and his wife, Chris, are active members of RAPS. Before becoming Secretary, Brian served as chair of the Membership Committee. ANSEL JOHNSON is professor emeritus of geology at Portland State, where he specialized in geophysics and groundwater. He served RAPS as Member-atLarge and chair of the Awards Committee before assuming the role of Treasurer in 2016. CONSTANCE ANDERSEN Came to PSU with an extensive background in public relations and community service. She worked as an office administrator for several units within PSU including the Center for Urban Studies, Graduate School of Social Work, Institute for Nonprofit Management, and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. CO-PRESIDENT(2-year term) Steve Brennan Other ___________________________________________________________ SECRETARY(2-year term) Brian Lewis Other ___________________________________________________________ TREASURER(2-year term) Ansel Johnson Other ___________________________________________________________ MEMBER-AT-LARGE(2-year term) Constance Andersen Other ___________________________________________________________ Ballots may be dropped off at the RAPS Office, Room 212 Campus Public Safety Building, or mailed to PSU/RAPS, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207-0751. Ballots must be postmarked by Friday, May 31, 2019 to be counted.