Co-President’s Message Growing PSU 2 FIFTY-FIVE YEARS AGO this fall I began my undergraduate studies at PSU. If memory serves, tuition was $70 per term; I’m guessing that there were around 6,000 total students; the entire campus was located on the Park Blocks; and Ben Padrow gave us our freshman orientation. Ben began by pointing out, with confidence, that half of us sitting in the auditorium would drop out by the end of spring term. And he was right! A lot has changed! The PSU of 1963 is unrecognizable today. There Many of today’s RAPS members participated in and were integral to growing PSU into the dynamic and major university that it has become. Many of these PSU retirees also have an interest in finding ways to continue to support the university. During the years that I have belonged to RAPS, the organization has evolved in many positive ways because of active retirees who have a strong connection to PSU, and have a desire to maintain friendships and provide support to the university community. If you are a recent retiree, we at RAPS would like to encourage you to read our monthly newsletter. We think you will find interesting events and activities that will maintain your connection to PSU. Please consider joining us; you will find PSU retirees to be a welcoming group! —Dave Krug COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS to Portland State’s first game of the year at Providence Park – Saturday, October 13 – have been donated by the PSU Athletic Department for RAPS members. The Viks go up against the Bears of the University of Northern Colorado at 2 pm. Tickets are available from the RAPS office. The maximum per person is two tickets. Please call (503-725-3447) or email ( the RAPS office, leaving your name and contact information. —Photograph of PSU player scrimmage by Steve Brenner are now around 28,000 students; buildings are spread well beyond the Park; there is no longer basketball being played in the basement of “Old Main;” and from what I read retaining students is now a priority for the university. Upcoming member events OCTOBER (Thursday, October 15) “40 Years of ‘Real News:’ Behind the Scenes with Journalist Steve Amen.” PSU alum Steve Amen, recently retired after 25 plus years on the popular PBS show Oregon Field Guide, reflects on his four decades as a journalist. 333 SMSU NOVEMBER (Thursday, November 15) “What’s Happening in Afghanistan?” Grant Farr, professor emeritus of sociology and specialist on the Middle East, brings us up to date on the political situation in Afghanistan. 333 SMSU DECEMBER (Thursday, December 6) Annual RAPS Holiday Brunch, held at Nordia House in southwest Portland. Football tickets for RAPS members still available