Co-President’s Message Prioritizing time for RAPS activities 2 AS A RETIREE, you probably occasionally get the question: “How do you spend your time, now that you are retired?” One of my facetious comebacks is that “I’m so busy now that I wonder how I ever had the time to work!” I’m sure, much like other generations of retirees, our generation of retirees is very active. In fact, we are so active that we have to prioritize our time. Therefore, I would like to make a case for why you should consider prioritizing some of your time with our groups such as the Book Group, the Hiking Group, the Bridge Group, and group travel excursions. RAPS also arranges for great monthly speakers on a wide range of interesting topics (third Thursday of most months of the academic year, after lunch, which begins at noon). Finally, RAPS is involved in the annual President’s Luncheon, the annual December Holiday Brunch, and the annual summer picnic. So please take a close look at our monthly RAPS Sheet, and if you see an interesting activity make some time to attend. You will find it to be a fun time spent with a very collegial group of fellow retirees. —Dave Krug PSU RAPS organization. First, many RAPS activities raise money for an annual PSU student scholarship award of $3,000. Second, RAPS sponsors several on-going activity Upcoming member events DECEMBER (Thursday, December 6) Annual RAPS Holiday Brunch, held at Nordia House located at 8800 SW Oleson Road, Portland. JANUARY (Thursday, January 17) David Bangsberg, dean of OHSU/PSU School of Public Health, presents “Why Public Health Matters: Reflections on HIV to Homelessness.” FEBRUARY (Thursday, February 21) Melody Valdini, associate professor of political science, speaks on “The Decline of Democracy in Governments Across the World: A Temporary Shift or a New World Order?” MARCH (Thursday, March 21) Annual spring potluck and presentation by Christine Meadows, director of PSU’s Opera Program, and opera students performing excerpts from the 2019 spring opera. RAPS GOES TO Eastern Canada! SEPTEMBER 3-10, 2019 Montreal Quebec City Ottawa Rockport Toronto Niagara Falls Quebec City and St. Lawrence River A portion of your fare supports the RAPS Scholarship Program! You’ll discover the best of Eastern Canada with RAPS! Our tour is led by Collette, a travel company with more than 100 years’ experience. Book by March 4, 2019, and save $100 per person! $3,199per person if booked by March 4 BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY Includes R/T airfare from PDX, Hotels, Hotel Transfers, Air Taxes, Fees/Surcharges To learn more: Contact Larry Sawyer, RAPS 503-771-1616 / c