In Memoriam: Don Balmer, 1927-2017 on Balmer, a Lewis & Clark College professor who contributed to the establishment of the college’s public administration program—which was later consolidated with the Portland State Master of Public Administration program—died April 8. A longtime chair of the Lewis & Clark political science department, Prof. Balmer began offering seminars and classes in public administration to federal, state, and local government executives in the 1970s. Ron Cease, who chaired the Portland State Department of Public Administration for many years, recalled that both L&C and PSU proposed public administration master’s degree programs in the 1970s. Both programs were approved, and the two institutions agreed to cooperate by bringing visiting professors to Portland and offering joint courses. “Clearly, the relationship between the two programs was a good one—competitive certainly, but also cooperative,” Prof. Cease said. “The good relations obviously eased the consolidation of the two faculties at PSU in 1996.” President Judith Ramaley and Dean Nohad Toulan, of the College of Urban and Public Affairs, agreed to bring the Lewis & Clark program, faculty and all, to Portland State. The PSU public administration program also agreed, and Cease, the program’s chair, played a major role in implementing the consolidation. Prof. Balmer died in Portland at age 90. He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Betty, and their children and grandchildren. A memorial service was held June 17 at Lewis & Clark College. “Don Balmer was a great leader, a colleague, and a fine friend,” said Prof. Cease. --Doug Swanson RAPS Scholarship Contributions cholarship contributions were received by the PSU Foundation from the following donors between January 1 and May 20, 2017: Barbara Alberty in honor of Scott Burns June Brinkman in memory of Richard Brinkman Arthur and Charlene Emlen Dave and Mary Krug in memory of Mr. Rob Krug Tony Leineweber in memory of Dan Bernstine Bill and Genna Lemman in memory of Brock Dixon Larry and Diane Sawyer Robert Tufts in memory of Ellen Sanders Tufts We also received scholarship donations from the Robert W. Vogelsang Memorial Raffle held at member meetings and from the wine tour led by Scott Burns in May. 7 D S