Co-President’s Message When Wim Wiewel hosted the President’s Annual Luncheon for Staff and Faculty in May, it was in a new role as outgoing president. He had announced last year that he was leaving his post at the end of the school year, going on a one-year sabbatical, and returning in the fall of 2018 to teach in PSU’s College of Urban and Public Affairs. The May gathering gave RAPS members a chance to wish Wim well after nine years at the helm of PSU. It came as quite a surprise, then, when Wim announced on June 20 that his plans have dramatically changed. He will become Lewis & Clark’s 25th president on October 1. According to Wim, accepting the presidency at L&C allows him and his wife Alice to “stay in the community we’ve come to love and call home. It will allow us to continue to be deeply involved in shaping higher education and contribute to Portland’s success.” Close on the heels of Wim’s announcement came the news from Provost Sona Andrews that she is leaving her post at the end of August. Sona has been a strong supporter of RAPS since arriving on campus five years ago. She will take a sabbatical next year but plans to remain in the community for the time being. Change is in the air with a new President, Dr. Rahmat Shoureshi, and a to-be-named provost coming on board this fall. We hope to have both leaders speak to us early in their tenures. Until then, enjoy the summer, friends and colleagues. I look forward to seeing you at our annual picnic on August 17! -- Dawn White, Co-President Football Tickets Available for First Home Game PSU Football fans: once again, the PSU athletics department has provided us with complimentary tickets for the university’s first football home game of the year to be held at Providence Park, 1844 SW Morrison St, Portland, OR 97205. This game with the University of California, Davis is scheduled for September 16, 2017 at 2pm. What a way to start the fall! We will have 20 tickets on a first come, first-served basis. The maximum per person is two tickets – at no charge. Please call or email the RAPS office and leave your name and contact information (503-725-3447 or ). You will be notified when the tickets are available for pickup. Enjoy. --Susan Poulsen, Co-President Please Update Your Contact Information Have you moved, changed your phone number, or changed your email address? Please contact Rebecca Butterworth in the RAPS Office at, or call her at 503-725-3447 by July 28. Leave a message if Rebecca is not in the office. This will assure that you receive our mailings, email announcements, and the 2017 RAPS Membership Directory. 2