
May 2017 Dear RAPS member, Have you ever thought about a time when you might need medical help or other assistance in your home to continue living your life as you would like? Have you ever thought about a time in the future when you might benefit from the services of a social worker? We have. That's why we work so diligently to raise funds to provide a scholarship each year to a student who is passionate about a career related to gerontology, a career serving our future needs. RAPS scholarship recipients are planning to work in many fields ranging from health to housing; their work will improve the lives of all of us as well as the lives of other older people. The cost of a college education for graduates and for undergraduates is steep. Tuition and fees at PSU this year for a graduate student averaged $16,700 for three terms for a resident and $26,976 for a nonresident. Tuition will rise another 9% in 2017-18. Our recipients often report severe financial difficulties in supporting themselves (and their families) while working toward a degree because other costs, such as housing, continue to rise along with tuition. The first RAPS scholarship was awarded in 2011-12. This year Tanya Kindrachuk, a senior in the Aging Services and Community Health Education programs, received our sixth scholarship. Keborah Andren, a graduate student in the Master of Social Work program, has just been announced as the 2017-18 recipient. While giving one $3,000 scholarship each year, RAPS has also raised more than $25,000 toward the $50,000 required to endow our scholarship fund. More than ever we need your help to continue awarding these scholarships and to reach our goal of an endowed fund with the University. Please help us in any way you can. You will be helping to make life a little easier for a worthy student! Thank you for your support. Nancy Chapman Susan Poulsen Dawn White Scholarship Chair RAPS Co-President RAPS Co-President ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAPS Scholarship Donation Form Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________State __________________________ Zip ______________ Phone __________________________ Email __________________________________________ Donation amount: $ _________________________________________ Donation made in memory of _________________________________________________________________ Donation made to honor _______________________________________________________________________ Make checks payable to: PSU Foundation and noted for RAPS Scholarship. Please mail to RAPS@PSU, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751. Or, to use a credit card, go to https://www.pdx.edu/raps/scholarship-fund 3