
Co-President’s Message Transitions – life is a series of transitions occurring across time and space. Some we welcome as exciting, an adventure, while others we approach with fear and concern, and we’re not quite sure of the outcome. Our country seems in the midst of a transition that evokes all of the foregoing, and more. On a smaller, yet no less important scale, PSU is on the verge of transition as our current president leaves his position after a lengthy time at the helm. What will this mean for the university -- its faculty, staff, students, programs, and, yes, us? Unlike retirement associations in some higher education contexts, we are currently well situated within the university and enjoy support and recognition for who we are, what we do. Will this change or remain the same as we go forward under new leadership? It is hard to tell. For me, the point is to sustain our position within the structure and to continue our remarkable track record of outstanding contributions to the institution and its constituents. We are relevant and must remain so. Do we have the resources, skills, abilities, and savvy to do this? Yes! Of that, I am confident. We can, we must, as we move ahead in the 21st Century. -- Susan Poulsen, Co-President New RAPS Officers Announced Doug Swanson (University Relations) has been elected to a two-year term as Co-President of RAPS, and Brian Lewis (Human Resources) has been elected to a second two-year term as Secretary. Doug and Brian officially assume their new roles in June, when the RAPS Board holds its final meeting of the 2016-17 year. As incoming Co-President, Doug will share the role with Dawn White (International Affairs), moving into her second year as Co-President under the two-year staggered term leadership structure approved by RAPS in 2015. This election marks Doug’s second stint on the RAPS Board. Upon retiring in 2006 from the Office of Publications, Doug joined RAPS and was soon pressed into service as editor of the RAPS Sheet, a position he held for four years. In 2011 Doug and Steve Brannan (Special Education) produced Creating Portland State 1946-1955, which won a Silver Award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. Thank you, Brian, for your willingness to continue as Secretary, and welcome, Doug! 2