OUTSTANDING PORTLAND STATE RETIREE AWARD 2017 Nomination Form Each spring at the President’s Luncheon RAPS gives an Outstanding Retiree Award to one or more PSU retirees. The awards are in recognition of outstanding accomplishments post retirement in two or more of these four areas: 1) service to the community, 2) service to the University, 3) professional or career achievements, and 4) service to RAPS. Special awards can also be made to non-retirees who meet the qualifications. Nominee____________________________________________________________________________ Nominee’s position(s) at PSU____________________________________________________________ Please outline in the space below the post-retirement accomplishments of the person you are nominating. Attach an additional page if needed: Nominator____________________________________________________________________________ Contact information (phone and email)_____________________________________________________ Please send nominations by US mail to RAPS, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207 or by email (you don’t have to use the form) to Adam Jones, RAPS Office Manager, at rapsmail@pdx.edu. Deadline for receipt of nominations is Thursday, April 20, 2017. Questions? Please contact Charlie White, Chair of the Awards Committee, at chaswhite@comcast.net or 503232-3089. 4