
In Memoriam: Marjorie Ann Enneking, 1941 – 2016 rofessor Marjorie Ann Enneking was born in Junction City, Oregon on June 21, 1941 and died March 13, 2016 in Portland. She grew up on a farm in the Willamette Valley. She earned her B. A. at Willamette University and Ph.D. in Mathematics at Washington State University. For 35 years she was a member of the department of Mathematics at Portland State University. Her entire career at PSU was dedicated to the education of mathematics teachers, particularly pre-service and in-service middle school and secondary school teachers. She helped launch the Master of Science in Teaching (MST) program for teachers in secondary schools and the Graduate Certificate Program for teachers in middle schools. For several decades, she was the Director of the MST program. She was Co-Principal Investigator for a National Science Foundation grant to research alternative approaches to teaching secondary school mathematics, and she helped obtain additional NSF grants for summer institutes in mathematics for teachers in secondary schools in Oregon and all the adjacent states. Professor Enneking was awarded the George Hoffmann award for faculty excellence. Professor Enneking is survived by her children, Nancy Enneking and Brian Enneking, her grandchildren, Liam and Rowan Enneking, her siblings, Ron Mikkelsen, Larry Mikkelsen, and Nancy Hawkins; and many nieces and nephews. RAPS extends sincere condolences to members of Professor Enneking’s family. --John R. Cooper, Professor Emeritus of English In Memoriam: Joy Spalding, 1926 - 2016 argaret Joy Spalding was born in Princeton, Massachusetts on August 14, 1926 and died in Portland on April 8. She married Kenneth Rabin from whom she was later divorced. As the wife of a foreign service officer, she lived in Australia, the Philippines, Belgium and West Africa. She was a member of Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, and the Gray Panthers. She attended Reed College and was graduated from American University. She earned a master's and Ph.D. in Social Work at Bryn Mawr College. She taught social work at the University of Virginia and, from 1981 to 1983, she was a fulltime, fixed-term member of the School of Social Work at Portland State University. She was a member of RAPS. She is survived by her daughters, Margaret Ellen Rabin, Katherine Cramer and Debby Rabin; seven beloved grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. A memorial service has been held. RAPS extends sincere sympathy to members of Joy Spalding’s family --John R. Cooper, Professor Emeritus of English 4 P M