Clarence Hein and Nancy Koroloff Recognized for Outstanding Service he President’s Annual Gathering for Retired Faculty and Staff on April 21 featured the RAPS Awards for Outstanding Faculty and Staff. This year’s recipients are Clarence Hein, retired Manager of Community Programs of the Office of the President, and Director of News and Information Services of the Office of University Relations, and Nancy Koroloff, Professor Emerita of Social Work and former Director of the Regional Research Institute for Human Services, and Associate Vice President for Research. Introducing Clarence Hein, Doug Swanson said that his writing skill, journalism background, and understanding of the University have expanded the record of Portland State’s history. Through Clarence’s work with the University archivist, Portland State’s victory in the College Bowl in 1965, the fight to establish a PSU engineering program, and the history of the Natale Sicuro and Gregory Wolfe administrations have been documented. Clarence also served as RAPS president in 2010-11 and as a RAPS Board member from 2009-12. He co-edited Portland State: A History in Pictures. He is also an active volunteer in service to the Multnomah County Library. Joan Shireman, who nominated Nancy Koroloff, highlighted her continuing contributions to the field of children’s mental health through her leadership of national research projects designed to improve services to young people and their families. She also spoke of Nancy’s willingness take on leadership positions during times of transition, serving as special assistant to the Vice President for Research and as Interim Dean of the School of Social Work, even after her retirement. Joan noted that Nancy has sorted and archived documents related to the history of social work in Oregon, has done oral history interviews, and has co-authored two articles based on this work. The RAPS Outstanding Retired Faculty and Staff Awards recognize the continuing contributions of retired PSU employees to the community, University, and RAPS. Ansel Johnson chaired the 2015-16 Nominations Committee. 4 T