
OF PORTLAD STATE (RAPS) RAPS AWARDS The Awards Committee of RAPS is in the process of identifying and selecting candidates for the OUTSTANDING RETIRED FACULTY AND STAFF AWARDS. The RAPS Awards will be presented at the President’s Luncheon for PSU faculty and staff retirees on April 21, 2016 at University Place, Portland State’s educational conference center. Nominations for the awards are being solicited from RAPS members. A completed nomination form with documentation on the nominee should be submitted to the committee by Monday, March 7, 2016 (see reverse of this page.) All Portland State University faculty and staff retirees are eligible to be nominated for the award. Both members and non-members of RAPS will be considered. Selection of the award recipients will be based on their noteworthy achievements since retirement in at least three of the four following areas: a) Service to the community b) Service to the university c) Professional/career achievements d) Service to RAPS Again, these achievements MUST BE POST-RETIREMENT. Award nominations will be reviewed by the RAPS Award Committee, of which Ansel Johnson is Chair. Please take the time to think about your colleagues and their many achievements. You are in the best position to know and appreciate a colleague’s accomplishments since retirement. Please forward your nomination soon, while you still have the thought in mind! Please mail your completed nomination form by March 7, 2016 to Retirement Association of Portland State (RAPS) Koinonia House Portland State University PO Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 3 RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION OF PORTLAND STATE