
President’s Message More than 30 members and guests heard Susan Sokol Blosser give an insightful reflection on la troisiéme, the third phase of life, at our March meeting. The theme was “Seven Lessons at 70,” but her wide-ranging presentation included dealing with loss, finding reason for joy, and letting go as a positive process. Reading from her latest book, Letting Go, Susan highlighted the new task of a groundbreaking generation – redefining old age. As RAPS members, we are engaged in this task of redefinition on a daily basis as we explore diverse areas of learning and as our relationships evolve. Portland State is also in the process of change, as the university puts its latest five-year (2016-2020) strategic plan into action. Please join your friends and colleagues at the President’s luncheon on April 21. President Wiewel will bring us up to date on initiatives and new directions, and the recipients of the RAPS Outstanding Retired Faculty and Staff Awards will exemplify the vitality of our members, and their continuing contributions. I hope to see you at this premier event, and that you will join us for the May 11 wine tour with Scott Burns who will discuss Oregon’s terroir and the fine wines it produces. A few seats are still available for this tour, which will feature Willamette Valley vineyards and wineries, including the award-winning Sokol Blosser Winery. --Eileen Brennan Get Your Wine Tour Tickets Now! on’t miss the fun as Scott Burns, our geology and vineyard terroir expert, leads a wine tour on May 11 from 10 am until 5 pm. We will meet the 28-seat bus at the corner of SW Broadway and Mill. We have set the price at $90 per person for RAPS members, their spouses and friends. The price covers the cost of the bus and the wineries’ tasting fees while also supporting our scholarship fund. It is still well below the price Scott charges for a tour open to the public. Scott has chosen wineries that differ in both the terroir of the vineyard and the techniques of the vintners. We will visit Anne Amie Vineyard in the Carleton area, Sokol Blosser in the Dundee Hills, and Trisaetum on Ribbon Ridge, with carefully chosen comparisons at each. We will bring our own lunches and picnic at one of the wineries. To purchase tickets, contact Carissa, our office manager, at 503-725-3447. She is in the office on Monday, Thursday and Friday and can take a credit card or you may send in a check. --Nancy Chapman Coming Events April 21, noon, President’s Luncheon for PSU Retirees May 11, 10 am, Scott Burns Wine Tour May 19, noon, Ice Cream Social, Robert Liberty speaks on Sustainability 8/18, (time to be announced), Annual Picnic at Overlook Park --Terril Doherty RAPS Office – Same Location, New Address e have been notified that with the relocation of the Campus Public Safety offices to the former Koinonia House, President Wiewel has approved the renaming of this building to Campus Public Safety (CPS). Accordingly, the signage on the building has been changed. The RAPS office will remain on the second floor of the building, with a new entrance next to the main Campus Public Safety entrance. The first floor entrance to our office is now labeled “Second Floor Offices.” As of the week of April 25, 2016, our street address will be 633 SW Montgomery Street. Our mailing address remains the same: RAPS, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207-0751. --Eileen Brennan 2 D W