
President’s Message An exciting year is in store for new and returning RAPS members. Thanks to everyone who has provided our Program Planning Committee with suggestions for speakers and events. Our fall term meetings begin this month with Dr. Cornel Pewewardy who will consider the resurgence of activism in the Pacific Northwest Native American Nations. Provost Sona Andrews will meet with members in October to discuss recent PSU initiatives such as the School of Public Health and new online programs. November’s meeting will feature Dr. Claire Wheeler speaking on holistic health and the new paradigm of medicine. Other events planned for this academic year include the RAPS Annual Holiday Party, the President’s Luncheon, and a wine tasting tour. Thanks to Terril Doherty who organized the RAPS Summer picnic, which was held at Overlook Park this year, and to Larry Sawyer for technology support and photography at the summer event and throughout the year. Kudos also to Bill Lemman who has been elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the national Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE). Finally, my gratitude goes to Past President Priscilla Blumel, who worked tirelessly to enhance the programs and events offered by RAPS during the past year, mentoring me along the way. I look forward to a great year working with the RAPS Board of Directors, including our new members Ansel Johnson and Bob Tufts. We are also fortunate that our able office manager Carissa Ponting is returning this year. Please continue to send us your ideas for programs and activities that you would like RAPS to sponsor. I am hoping to meet and talk with you at RAPS events this year. --Eileen Brennan RAPS Scholarship Recipient Announced Our RAPS Scholarship recipient for 2015-16 is Jillian Szilagyi Kelly. Jillian grew up in the Detroit area and graduated from Knox College in Galesburg IL, majoring in Human Ecology. She worked for a number of years in graphic design in Chicago, and has also worked in advertising for Community Newspapers, Inc. and freelanced from home when her three children were very young. She is in the Social Work Master’s program and will complete the MSW and PSU’s Certificate in Gerontology in June. She has practical experience with the elderly in addition to her graduate work, including working as a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) at the Benedictine Nursing Center in Mount Angel. The mostly elderly residents she worked with there included those in rehabilitation and those in dementia care. She works at Providence Milwaukie Hospital for her MSW advanced fieldwork. She also finds time for community volunteering, particularly though the National Association of Social Workers and their legislative committee. Her involvement has led her to develop four goals that guide her current and future activities:  Intellectual care. Jillian notes that many activities in programs and housing for seniors are relatively passive—e.g., polishing nails. For the generations retiring now and in the future, more active, intellectually engaging activities are likely to be a better fit. (continued on page 3) 2