
RAPS Group Reports The RAPS Book Group met on September 15 at the home of Joan Shireman, and discussed The Residue Years by Mitchell Jackson, a Portland author who writes about growing up as a black youth in a neglected part of the city. The semi-autobiographical account is tragic in its depiction of the events in the life of a black man, and heart-warming in its depiction of a family’s attempt to remain intact. The discussion was intense, made more so by the familiar Portland setting. In October the book group will read The Round House by Louise Erdrich. Set on the Ojibwe Reservation in North Dakota, it won the National Book Award for fiction and is described on the Amazon website as “at once a powerful coming-of-age story, a mystery, and a tender, moving novel of family, history, and culture.” We will meet at the home of Brian Lewis, 12828 SW Walnu,t St., Tigard. Contact him at 503-590-5890 or brianlewispdx@gmail.com to let him know whether you can be there, and toet directions. The group has chosen David McCullough’s The Path Between the Seas: The Building of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914 as the book to read and discuss at our November meeting. Described (again by Amazon) as “a must-read for anyone interested in American history, the history of technology, international intrigue, and human drama,”it has won many awards. The meeting will be at the home of Phyllis Leonard. The Book Group meets at 1:30 on the third Tuesday of every month. New members are always welcome. –Joan Shireman The RAPS Bridge Group will meet (or has already met) on Tuesday, October 6, 2015. We meet regularly on the first Tuesday of each month. Given the timing of the monthly RAPS Sheet, let me inform you of upcoming bridge sessions: November 3, 2015, and December 1, 2015. On October 6, we will gather in the conference room of Friendly House’s Anderson Building. This building is on the north side of NW Savier Street, around the corner from the main entrance to Friendly House at 26th and Thurman. Playing begins at 1:00 pm and continues to about 4:30 pm. Two things to note: 1. We will be meeting in Smith Memorial Student Union in the future (after October 6.) 2. We will take up a collection for donation to Friendly House on October 6. The donation will serve as thanks for the many months of free rooms for RAPS bridge. Please come prepared to make a contribution. Thanks in advance. Going forward from November we are trying out Smith Center as a centrally located place to play bridge. The RAPS Board has kindly offered to pay the room rent for our bridge group. We will see how the room fits our needs during this trial period. The RAPS Bridge group is friendly and we are always looking for new players. If you wish to join us, please contact Steve Brennan, 503-646-6297. My email address is the.steve.brennan@gmail.com. --Steve Brennan The RAPS Hiking Group hiked to Mirror Lake and Tom Dick and Harry Mountain on September. The weather was very good but Mount Hood was nearly bare of snow. Our October 9 hike will be in the Cooper Mountain Nature Park. There are a series of nature trail loops totaling 3.23 miles. We will hike as any of these loops as we wish. Meet at the park’s parking lot at 9:30 am. We will select a local restaurant for lunch. If you plan to attend or for directions, please contact Larry Sawyer at 503-771-1616 or email him at larry_sawyer@comcast.net. (There is an underscore between “larry” and “sawyer” in that internet address.) --Larry Sawyer 3