
RAPS Group Reports The RAPS Book Group met February 17 at the home of Maxine Thomas to discuss A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah. This is the account of a teenager caught in the rebellion in Sierra Leone in the 1990s, of his experience as a child fleeing violence, and in a UNICEF rehabilitation center. We were appalled by the experiences recounted, captured by the elegance of the writing, and amazed that a young person could have survived such a war and emerged to become a successful student and writer. On March 17 the group will discuss The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin, advertised by Amazon as “historical fiction at its best.” Booklist’s review states “Coplin’s mesmerizing debut stands out with its depictions of uniquely Western personalities and a stark, gorgeously realized landscape that will settle deeply into readers’ bones.” It is the tale of a solitary orchardist who takes in two young girls, with dramatic consequences. We will meet at the home of Felicia Wirtz, 16433 NW Avamere Ct, Portland. Contact Felicia at (503) 628-2252 or feliciawirtz@gmail.com to RSVP and for directions. The April meeting of the book group will be at the home of Brian Lewis. We will discuss The Painted Girls by Cathy Marie Buchanan. It is a tale of the young ballerinas who were the subjects of Degas’ art. “Wonderfully imagined and masterfully rendered, this story of 19th century Paris and life behind the scenes of its legendary Opera House will change the way you see the world of ballet, art and the lives it portrays.”—Shilpi Somaya Gowda, New York Times. The Book Group meets the third Tuesday of each month. New members are always welcome. --Joan Shireman The RAPS Bridge Group will meet (or has already met) on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. We meet regularly on the first Tuesday of each month. Given the timing of the monthly RAPS Sheet, let me inform you of a couple of upcoming bridge sessions: April 7, 2015 and May 5, 2015. We gather in the conference room of Friendly House’s Anderson Building. This building is on the north side of Savier Street, just around the corner from the main entrance of Friendly House at 26th and Thurman. Playing begins at 1pm and continues to about 4:30pm. We are friendly and are always looking for new players. If you wish to join us, please contact Steve Brennan at 503-646-6297. My email address is the.steve.brennan@gmail.com. --Steve Brennan The RAPS Hiking Group hiked a four-mile stairs hike on Mount Tabor on February 13. The pace was leisurely and not as strenuous as it sounds. We passed many of the reservoirs. The fog did not clear until the afternoon. We stopped at the Song Bird Café on 69th and Belmont for lunch. On Friday, March 13, we will venture farther out. This hike will be on the Banks to Vernonia Linear Park, and will be about ten miles with no elevation gain. Starting at L. L. “Stub” Stewart State Park we will travel to the end of the trail at Vernonia where we will have lunch. This will be a car pool and car shuttle hike. Meet at our regular spot at the Cedar Hills Shopping Center, near Highways 26 and 217, by the DMV Office at 9 am. To confirm your attendance or for more information contact Larry Sawyer at 503-771-1616 or larry_sawyer@comcast.net. (There’s an underscore between “larry” and “sawyer” in that email address.) --Larry Sawyer 4