
President’s Message Economist Tom Potiowsky’s presentation on the Oregon economy was a huge success at our January membership meeting. He presented facts about Oregon’s economy that pointed to a better financial picture in 2015. I, for one, am banking on that. The future of RAPS is important and RAPS will thrive as new retirees join us to continue enjoying the fellowship they have experienced at PSU. We have diverse ways to be active within RAPS. Interest groups, including the Book Group, the Bridge Group, and the Hiking Group all welcome new members. Our committees, Social and Friendship, Scholarship, Awards, and History Preservation/Pictorial History Book are always looking for new members and new ideas. Our monthly membership meetings offer wide-ranging topics and interesting speakers. My aim as President is to make sure all faculty and staff retirees have an opportunity to stay involved in the life they have had at PSU. Retirement is a dynamic new stage in our lives, and we should enjoy it to the fullest. --Priscilla Blumel Please Save these Dates for Spring Events! hursday April 16, 2015 is the date of the President’s annual luncheon for retired faculty and staff. The luncheon will be at noon at University Place, and will include lunch, a brief address from President Wiewel, and the presentation of the 2015 RAPS Awards (see the nomination form in this issue.) You should receive an invitation from the President’s Office. If you do not, please call the RAPS Office (503-725-3447). unday, May 3, 2015 from 2:00 until 5:00 pm a RAPS wine tasting will take place at Storyteller Wines in the Johns Landing area. This will benefit the RAPS Scholarship Fund. The March RAPS Sheet will include more details about both events. --Eileen Brennan RAPS Scholarship Fund ifts to the RAPS Scholarship Fund between December 15, 2014 and January 15 2015 were made by the following: Barbara Alberty and The Robert W. Vogelsang Memorial Wine Raffle. 2 T S G