
2 At press time, we received word that Robert Vogelsang (Vogie) had passed away. Remembrances of Vogie, and of Dean Robert Dryden and Professor Jack Featheringill will appear in next month’s RAPS Sheet Club Reports Book Club The RAPS Book Club meeting will be held at 1:30pm on Tuesday, September 20th, hosted by Mary Brannan at 6901 SE Oaks Park Way, Slip #13 in Portland. Contact her at brannanmg@comcast.net or 503-239-1077 to RSVP and for directions. We will discuss The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris by David McCullogh which is described on the back cover as follows: “The Greater Journey is the enthralling, inspiring,-- and until now untold -- story of the adventurous American artists, writers, doctors, politicians architects, and others of high aspiration who set off for Paris in the years between 1830 and 1900, ambitious to excel in their work. After risking the hazardous journey across the Atlantic, these Americans embarked on a greater journey in the City of Light. Most had never left home, never experienced a different culture. None had any guarantee of success. That they achieved so much for themselves and their country profoundly altered American History. As McCullogh writes, “Not all pioneers went west…Nearly all of these Americans, whatever their troubles learning French, their spells of homesickness, and their suffering in the raw cold winters by the Seine, spent many of the happiest days and nights of their lives in Paris.” McCullogh tells this sweeping, fascination story with power and intimacy, bringing us into the lives of remarkable men and women who, in Saint-Gaudens’ phrase, longed “to soar into the blue.” The Greater Journey is itself a masterpiece. Happy Reading! --Mary Brannan Bridge Club Our next meeting will be at 1:00pm on Tuesday, September 10th at Friendly House. As usual, if you plan to play, please let Steve Brennan know before noon on Friday, September 6th. Friendly House is located at 1737 NW 26thAvenue in Portland Steve can be contacted by phone at 503-6466297, or by email at the.steve.brennan@gmail.com. --Steve Brennan ____________________________________________ Hiking Group This summer the hikers hiked the Tillamook Bay Ocean Spit in June, the north side of St. Helens in July, and the Wahkeena Trail from Wahkeena Falls to Multnomah Falls in August. On Friday, September 13th, we will hike to Triple Falls, just a few miles beyond the location of the August hike. This will be a 4.5 mile hike with a 600 elevation gain. We will have a sack lunch at Triple Falls. Some books list this hike as the Oneonta Gorge only. We will be taking the one that starts at Horsetail Falls and goes by Ponytail Falls and Oneonta Falls. It is described in Sullivan’s 100 hikes 3rd edition as Hike #44. We won’t be taking the wade-up-the-creek option. If you are interested in hiking with us, contact Larry Sawyer at 503-771-1616, or by email at larry_sawyer@comcast.net. --Larry Sawyer