2 President’s Message ast month we had the honor and privilege of having former Governor Barbara Roberts read from her new book, Up the Capitol Steps, at a special RAPS meeting. The RAPS book group also read and discussed the book. A dominant theme of the book, and the book group discussion, was the very special talent it took for a woman to attain high political office in 1991. Many of us are about the same age as Governor Roberts. The women among us were all trailblazers in our own small ways. We were the generation that cracked the “glass ceiling.” I think we all have our memories of situations in which we were not offered opportunities, and at least suspected that it was because we were women. I think we all have pride in accomplishments that were not common for women in our era. Many of us acknowledge the importance of support received from husbands who encouraged our efforts. And I think most of us look back, as Governor Roberts does in her book, at close and supportive families during childhood that gave us the confidence to step out where few others were venturing. What an opportunity we have had! An opportunity to hear about and discuss the accomplishments of the first woman governor of Oregon. And an opportunity to think back our own lives, and to feel proud of this generation of women. --Joan Shireman Rain and wind failed to deter these intrepid RAPS Hikers during the February hike on Short Sands Beach in Oswald West State Park. Pictured (left to right) are Marge Terdal, Larry Sawyer, Robert Vogelsang, Leif Terdal, Laureen Nussbaum, Jack Cooper, and Terry Rohe. See related story on page 3. Photo by Karen Vogelsang. L