
5 In memoriam: Hildegard Marie Weiss, 1918 - 2012 rofessor Emerita of English Hildegard (Hildy) Weiss was born Aug. 13, 1918 in Drake, ND and died March 30, 2012 in Portland after a long illness. During childhood her family moved to Oregon where she attended public schools. Hildy attended LaVerne College in California (19361940), earning a BA degree in English. She undertook graduate studies in English and American literature at UCLA (1943-1946) and Hildegard Weiss in 1958 completed an MA degree. During 1950-1951 she pursued further graduate studies at New York University. In the fall of 1946 Professor Weiss joined the newly formed Vanport Extension Center as a member of a pioneer faculty cadre established in response to higher education needs created by surging enrollments of placebound metropolitan area students, notably including veterans of recent military service. Vanport utilized buildings in an abandoned wartime temporary housing complex that provided minimally adequate support facilities for academic instruction. After it was virtually destroyed by the flooding Columbia River in 1948, the institution was relocated at various sites before finally settling down at PSU’s Park Blocks site. Through all of these challenges and adversities, Professor Weiss remained fully and energetically committed to carrying out the institution’s instructional mission. Student staff members dedicated the 1950 Viking yearbook to Professor Weiss with copious expressions of gratitude: “. . . [W]e have so often turned to you for advice . . . We have enjoyed your English classes . . . [Y]ou have generously given your time and effort to many college organizations . . . You are indeed an important part of a happy tradition here at Vanport.” Throughout her long, distinguished and productive career, students and colleagues adjudged Professor Weiss to be a demanding and inspirational teacher and a valued member of the academic community. In 1986 Hildy advanced to Professor of English and in 1987 she was promoted to the rank of Emeritus Professor. The Weiss family held a private memorial service on April 12 for Hildegard. Survivors include her brother Earl of Salem, and sister Bette and niece Nancy Walpole of Portland. Hildy’s parents, four brothers and a sister preceded her in death. To the Weiss family members, our organization extends its heartfelt sympathy for their loss. This institution has benefitted enormously from her service. --Emeritus Professors of History Victor C. Dahl and Charles M. White Scholarship committee reports in he second RAPS scholarship of $1,500 will be awarded this fall. The organization’s long-term goal is to raise sufficient money to meet the $25,000 needed to establish an endowment. The account balance now stands at about $4,500. The Scholarship Committee was assisted this year by graduate student Denise Harrison, working on her Capstone project through the Office of Development. Denise has been a great help in guiding us through fund raising procedures. The committee thanks Catherine Faris, Associate Vice President for Development, for her assistance in establishing our scholarship program. One of the objectives as listed in the RAPS Bylaws is to “support the aims and objectives of the University and promote its endeavors.” Providing scholarships is one of the ways we can support the University and demonstrate our value to the administration. The committee asks for your continuing support in creating an endowed scholarship fund. Contributions are welcome at any time. Checks may be made payable to the PSU Foundation and sent to the RAPS Office. --Larry Sawyer, Committee Member P T