5 In memoriam: J. (James) Howard Widdowson, 1919-2011 . Howard Widdowson, Emeritus Professor of Business Administration, was born Aug. 9, 1919 in Philadelphia, PA and died April 16, 2011. He earned BS (1942) and MBA (1955) degrees at Temple University and a PhD in 1963 at the Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to completing his doctoral studies, he taught for 10 years at Albright College in Reading, PA. Subsequently, he held appointments at the Universities of Denver and Georgia before joining the PSU School of Business Administration in 1965, where he served for two decades before retiring. Professor Widdowson was certified as a member of the American College of Life Underwriters (1963) and the American Institute of Property Liability Underwriters (1967). At PSU he taught an array of courses within his specialty, including real estate, finance and insurance. His colleagues highly respected his professionalism and educational achievements, which contributed significantly to the institution’s instructional mission. Indeed, his tenure at PSU coincided with its emergence as a comprehensive university, and the University community owes him a debt of gratitude for the quality of his contributions. During World War II Howard served in the U.S. Navy, and at a USO dance he met his future wife, Louise. The Widdowsons were avid world travelers, and after her death in 2001 Howard undertook several extensive solo bicycling trips along canals in Germany, Austria, and Hungary. A long time Lake Oswego resident, he was an ardent pedestrian who sought to walk systematically through all of the urban area’s streets, often accompanied by one of his colleagues. His daughters Terry Cox, Karol Rykert, and Kathy Watanabe survive him, along with six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. His family members held a private memorial. To them our organization extends its heartfelt condolences. Donations may be made to the American Heart Association. -- Emeritus Professor of History Victor C. Dahl, assisted by Emeritus Professor of Business Administration Roger Moseley In memoriam: Ulku Erzurumlu, 1937-2011 lku Erzurumlu, longtime RAPS member and adjunct professor of languages and literature, was born April 21, 1937 in Kars, Turkey, and died July 20, 2011 in Portland after a long illness. Family members and friends gathered July 26, 2011 for a celebration of her life, followed by interment at River View Cemetery. Survivors include her husband of 48 years, Chik M. Erzurumlu, Dean Emeritus of PSU’s School of Engineering; her sisters, Dr. Meral Ozer, Nur Mittag, Azer Arasli, Guner Aras; and brother, Atila Arasli. After the Erzurumlus settled in Portland in 1962, Ulku immersed herself in University activities. She earned a BA in art and was a devoted, supportive helpmate to her husband as he launched PSU’s School of Engineering. During the early 1960s the University trained Peace Corps volunteers for service in Turkey and utilized Ulku’s talents for classroom language instruction and development of teaching materials. From 1971 to 1984 she taught Turkish language and literature classes offered by the Middle East Studies Center. Ulku and Chik regularly participated in RAPS activities and were engaged with a wide network of friends throughout the University community. Together they traveled extensively and found many opportunities to enjoy cultural events. To Chik our organization extends its heartfelt condolences for the mutual loss of a dear friend and valued colleague. Memorial contributions may be sent to the Erzurumlu Scholarship at the PSU Foundation, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207 or to the Parkinson Center at OHSU, c/o OHSU Foundation. --Victor C. Dahl, Emeritus Professor of History J U