2 President’s Message n October 20, those present at the RAPS program heard the story of the development activity behind the growth of Portland State. Catherine Faris, Associate Vice President for Development, told of the changed philosophy and enhanced effort of the new University Advancement office. She talked of larger expectations and of investment in the process of building the University’s financial wellbeing, in an environment in which the state is contributing a diminishing share. The RAPS scholarship is our contribution to this effort. The first RAPS scholarship has just been awarded to Melissa Cannon, a third year doctoral student in Urban Studies, working in gerontology and community development. Melissa has an impressive background and a research interest in building sustainable communities that will enhance the lives of an aging population. You will get a chance to meet her at the Holiday Dinner in December. The funding of this scholarship was largely through the repayment of a loan from RAPS for the printing of Portland State: A History in Pictures. Now we need to raise money for next year’s scholarship. Perhaps we need to raise our expectations and look toward raising money for an endowment that will fund scholarships for many years. The University Advancement Office is giving us the help of a graduate intern, Denise Harrison, who will help us with strategies and plans for raising money. You can be sure that you will be hearing more about this as we move beyond wine raffles in our quest to fund the scholarship. --Joan Shireman First call for nominations of outstanding retirees he RAPS Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the Outstanding Retired Faculty and Staff Awards. The awards will be presented at the annual President’s Luncheon to be held in April 2012 at University Place. Awards recipients are selected based on their achievements since retirement in at least three of the following categories: Service to the community Service to the University Professional/career achievements Service to RAPS Both members and non-members of RAPS will be considered. Nominations will also be accepted for special awards to persons who excel in a single category. Nominations will be reviewed by the RAPS Awards Committee, composed of Larry Sawyer, chair, and members Anne Bender, Marge Terdal and Brian Lewis. Nomination forms are due by March 15, 2012. Forms may be obtained by calling Maya Burton, the RAPS Office Manager, at 503-725-3447 or emailing raps@pdx.edu. In addition, forms will be available at the monthly general meetings through March. For questions, please contact Larry Sawyer by phone at 503-771-1616 or email him at larry_sawyer@comcast.net. Scholarship . . . continued from page 1 to develop services and support for low-income Nicaraguan elders. Melissa already has two publications and numerous presentations to her credit and is currently working on two co-authored refereed publications. She is a student member of the Gerontological Society of America. Melissa has already made her mark and is well on her way to becoming an outstanding professional. You can contribute to the RAPS Scholarship fund to help support other deserving students in the future by sending a check to the RAPS Office payable to the “RAPS Scholarship Fund, PSU Foundation.” Your contribution is totally tax deductible. --Mary Brannan Don’t be left out of the new RAPS Directory! Make sure your contact information is up-to-date by emailing raps@pdx.edu or calling the RAPS Office at 503-725-3447. Questions? Pease contact Larry Sawyer, 503-771-1616 or larry_sawyer@comcast.net O T