3 RAPS club reports RAPS Hikers: Wildlife beckons at Oaks Bottoms Our last hike in 2010 will be a local hike at Oaks Bottom on Tuesday, Nov. 23. This is an easy hike with little elevation gain, and part of it will be on a paved bike path along the Willamette River. Oaks Bottom is near Oaks Park, and we expect to see wildlife such as great blue herons, eagles, ducks, song birds and osprey. Bring your binoculars. The hike will begin at the Milwaukie trailhead at 9:30 a.m., and the hikers will decide on a local restaurant for lunch. To get to the trailhead, travel about one mile south of the Ross Island Bridge to the Milwaukie exit. The parking lot is just to the right on Milwaukie. You can also take the #19 Woodstock bus which stops near the trailhead. In early December, we will meet at a hiker’s home for a potluck and 2011 planning session. Confirm your participation of the Oaks Bottom hike by Nov. 22 to Larry Sawyer at 503-771-1616 or larry_sawyer@comcast.net. --Larry Sawyer Book Club: ‘A Reliable Wife’ The RAPS Book Club will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 3:30 p.m. at the home of Linda Smeltzer, 1214 Hallinan Circle, Lake Oswego. NOTE THE TIME CHANGE. Please contact Linda at smeltzer@gmail.com or 503-636-5221 to RSVP and for directions. We will discuss a #1 New York Times bestseller, A Reliable Wife, written by Robert Goolrick. The book is described as follows on the back cover: He placed a notice in a Chicago paper, an advertisement for a “reliable wife.” She responded, saying that she was “a simple, honest woman.” She was, of course, anything but honest, and the only simple thing about her was her single-minded determination to marry this man and then kill him, slowly and carefully, leaving herself a wealthy widow. What Catherine Land did not realize was that the enigmatic and lonely Ralph Truitt had a plan of his own. Looking ahead to December, we have selected Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver. --Mary Brannan Bridge Group: Deals on Nov. 9 The RAPS Bridge Group meets at Willamette View at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9. For further information, please call Colin Dunkeld, 503-292-0838. Please call no later than Friday, Nov. 5. --Colin Dunkeld PAST TENSE Remembering Kathy Greey: the Quintessential Academic Librarian Kathy was a well loved and respected librarian throughout her career at PSU (1967-1997). She quipped that she was a "mail order librarian" because she was hired sight unseen right out of college by a public library in the east. She eventually came back to Portland to be with her parents and chose to work at Portland State's library. Never owning a car, she lived at the Ione Plaza (now the Vue Apartments) on campus and walked to the library. Although she remained the quintessential academic librarian, Kathy changed with the times, making the transition from card catalog to computers with grace, style, and skill. She was a lady; her favorite word was "appropriate.” Kathy was also all about public service. She was responsible for giving many scholarships through Phi Kappa Phi and served as bookstore manager at the First Unitarian she attended. Her favorite children's book was Barbara Cooney’s Miss Rumphius, a tale of a redheaded librarian who traveled, and Kathy followed suit. Continuing to travel after retiring from PSU, she met with misfortune and died on a trip to China, doing what she loved best: traveling. Attesting to Kathy as a person, at her memorial there was not enough room in her church's sanctuary for all of her grateful friends and students. She was a truly special friend. --Susan Jackson PAST TENSE features glimpses into Portland State’s history. To submit a story (or an idea for one), email the RAPS History Preservation Committee at raps@pdx.edu.