—2— President’s Message LARRY SAWYER The new RAPS bylaws were approved. Thank you to all who voted. A question was asked about synchronizing the treasurer and secretary offices so they are up for election on alternate years. The 2006 bylaws addressed that question with the three member-at-large offices, and the RAPS Board of Directors plans to do the same procedure with the treasurer and secretary positions. The treasurer will be asked to run for a one-year term just for this election. That will put the offices up for election on alternate years. The bylaws require the president, with board approval, to fill any vacated terms in order to prevent this problem. You will be electing a president-elect, a member-at-large, and either a secretary or treasurer annually. Committee chairs are appointed or re-appointed annually by the president. Doug Swanson has been newsletter editor for three years and wishes to move on. I have talked to an interested party and will request confirmation at the March board meeting. The person is well known to all and will be an excellent editor. The webmaster position remains vacant for the time being, and our office manager, MiMi Bernal-Graves is performing the webmaster duties. MiMi will graduate this year and pursue an education to become a naturopathic physician. We will be interviewing for her replacement in a couple of months. Finally, PSU is offering hard-hat tours of the new Lincoln Hall performance building. If you are interested, contact MiMi at our office, and she will work to coordinate a date and time. See you at the March potluck. —Larry Sawyer Orloff presents ‘Museum of the City’ idea to RAPS March 18 Chet Orloff, former executive director of the Oregon Historical Society and adjunct professor in PSU’s School of Urban Studies and Planning, wants to build a virtual “Museum of the City” at Portland State because, as he toldThe Oregonian recently, “The more people know about the place they live, the better they can take care of it.” Orloff will discuss this project at the next RAPS meeting Thursday, March 18, in 333 Smith Memorial Union. Potluck lunch begins at 1 p.m. with the presentation beginning at 1:30 p.m. He wants to “house” this museum at PSU because, he said, “all great universities have at least one museum.” But this museum won’t be constructed of bricks and mortar. Rather, it will exist on the Internet. Using a grant from the International Council of Museums, Orloff created a project for his class on History of American Cities. By term’s end, his students will have created the beginnings of the museum, in essence a Web site, which will include a museum lobby, wings, and galleries. Orloff has been working with Jennifer Portis, program manager of PSU’s Multimedia Professionals Program, and her students to create the Internet presence. This term, his students are working on individual history projects concerning any city they choose. He’d like them to focus on sustainability, ports and waterfronts, or transportation. The projects will go into the museum’s archive. Eventually, anyone anywhere will be able to submit exhibits for this museum and, if accepted, they will become assistant curators. Orloff believes the museum project will be another example of PSU fulfilling its motto, “Let Knowledge Serve The City.” Potluck pointers The March 18 presentation by Chet Orloff also serves as RAPS’ annual potluck. Here are your potluck marching orders: Bring sandwich makings, salad, or dessert. Plates, utensils, coffee, and tea are provided. RSVP to the RAPS Office by Thursday, March 11, and tell MiMi Bernal-Graves what you plan to bring. Call MiMi at 503-725-3447 or e-mail raps@pdx.edu. This museum won’t be constructed of bricks and mortar. Rather, it will exist on the Internet.